Girls weekend <3

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Your going on a girls trip how exciting what a good way to kick if the summer break. You watch Rose as she gathers the rest of her things, she then puts her suitcase in the car and drives to your house.

You both get out and rush inside you tell your mum where your going and for how long she doesn't say much before she leaves again for work. Your mums always out never really spend much time with you anymore, but you still care for each other.

You then run upstairs grab your suitcase and begin packing, you have always had good style so picking outfits took a little while but you got here eventually. Once you were all packed you grab your keys lock the door and pile back into Rose's car.

( Rose sets up the navigation system and puts in the directions and as soon as you know your off..)

The journey it's self wasn't very king just a couple of hours as well as a few break on the way for snacks, you and Rose have always been one for a cheeky bubble tea and cake. Not long after your cake stop you arrive at the hotel, you park grab your cases and head to the reception.

As you approach the desk a nice lady greets you both " hello ladies welcome to Rouge plaza how may I help you" Rose looks at you and smiles " hi yes we have a room booked it's for the weekend under the name Rose" the lady looks at the screen grabs the key and speaks again. " yes, I have you hear it's the view hill suite for the two of you it's room 255 on the fourth floor" she hands over your key and Rose takes it and you head toward the lift.

As you exit the lift it's now a game of who can find the room first, without a second glance you spot the number and make a run towards it you run round the corner and bang straight into something.

"Aghhhh I'm so sorry are you alright miss?" A soft voice spoke, you look up rubbing your head and you see a young man tall and dark haired with the most concerned look on his face. "Yes I'm fine sorry I wasn't playing attention it's my fault" he looks at you and smiles, "it's okay don't worry I can tell your in a rush to get to your room" you look at him mesmerised by his charm and his accent.

He speaks one more time whilst helping you return to your feet "I best get going now sorry again." As he walks away you dust yourself off all embarrassed then all of a sudden Rose comes sprinting round the corner. "Ughh you beat me"

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