Just Another Day

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A/N: I kinda hate this chapter but the rest are much better than this

"ALRIGHT WOMEN GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THOSE SHEETS" At that moment the blanket was ripped right off my body

"Lillian piss off" I lazily take the pillow my head was resting on and weakly throw it at her

"No can do Thing 2 made breakfast before we go to the warehouse" Oh I forgot that was today. Isn't it on my calendar?

"Fine. Fine. I need a minute christ" I sit up and swing my legs over the bed. Fred, Lillian, Vivian and Myself live in a 2 bedroom apartment in Manhattan, New York. It's not big but it's nice and gives us a roof over our heads.

I put on an AC/DC T-shirt and make my way to the kitchen.

"Smells like death" I say and pick up a plate with toast and eggs on it.

"Well good morning to you as well sunshine" Fred rolls his eyes as I walk over to sit next to Vivian on the couch

"Gorkdjsb mkwkssh" she looks at me then back to the TV I think she tried saying good morning with a mouth full of food

"Swallow before you talk I don't need you choking" Lillian throws a butterknife from the kitchen and it lands next to my head nearly missing me

"No sex jokes at 8 in the morning it's to early for that" She glared at me

"It wasn't meant to be sexual!" I put my hand up to surrender

"Alright women you can stop arguing now" Fred loudly says to us

Lillian growls at me and walks to the bathroom to shower

"I meant to say good morning" Vivian says as she wraps her arms around my torso. I put my arm around her neck and kiss the side of her head

"Good morning to you as well tiny" after a few seconds she lets go and I take her plate to the kitchen and rinse it off before putting it in the dish washer


Everyone was dressed and we all packed into my black Ford Fusion. Lillian reaches over to turn on the radio and she switches the channel

"For fucks sakes pick a damn channel" Fred rolled his eyes

"Fine. Does this satisfy his majesty" Lillian Switches it one last time to the station that plays all sorts of stuff

"About damn time" was all he said before rolling down his window to throw the apple core he had out

"Im surrounded by children" I muttered while shaking my head


We arrive at the concrete building not long after. Fred has the keys after Lillian "lost" hers.

"Ah yes I love the smell of metal at 8 in the morning" I inhaled and and rolled up my sleeves to get back to the project I was working on. Oh I forgot to mention we make our own weapons and experiment with making other items not just weapons.

I'm working on metal wings for a cosplay suit. No it's not weird. No I didn't tell the others that's what these are for but what they don't know the better. they can't make fun of me for it at least

Fred's been working on a heavily armored vehicle as a quick getaway car. Lillian is working on a sword. More specifically the one from Percy Jackson. And Lillian is making a suit with custom build guns and other stuff

Zu"Oui Fox come help me keep this fucker in place" I drop the welder and lift up my visor to make my way over to him

"Hold this" He kicks the heavy metal machine gun he built "To that" He then kicks the side of the car. I grab red spray paint and mark an X on the spot he want me to hold it to

"Thanks dude" he fist-bumps me

"Yea no problem. Just next time use the jack" I stretch out my arms. That's gunna be sore tomorrow.

"Noted" He goes back and fixed up the brackets holding the machine gun up to the car

Finally I can get back to wor-

"River, Dans on the phone he wants to talk to you" Are you fucking kidding me

"Be right there" This is bullshit. At this rate I'm never finishing the wings. I take the phone from Vivian pat her on the head

"This is Your local drug dealer speaking we're out of weed at the moment call back another day" I say into the phone knowing damn well Dan is at the station

"Very funny asshole the chief is standing right next to me" I can basically hear his eye roll from my end of the call

Dan is a local firefighter I've had the unfortunate pleasure of getting to know after our old apartment burnt down

"Well what can I do for you then your highness"

"We need all of your guys help fixing engine 4. Someone ran a red light last week and totaled it"

"Is everyone alive?"

"Everyone is alive yes"

"Alright good. We'll send a tow truck to pick up. What's the time limit" Well I can kiss working on those wings for a little goodbye

"As soon as possible. It's creeping up on our busy season" Where everyone burns down their kitchens by overcooking turkey

"Yes Captain Dan sir. This is drug dealer 340 out" Before I end the call I can hear Dan say something along the lines of "Crazy mother fucker is going to get me fired blah blah blah"

"Listen up you delicate flowers we have a new project" Before I can say what that project is Lillian runs to me with a can of black spray paint

"I CALL TURNING IT BLACK" Then runs off to what I assume is getting more black spray paint

"I can see this going very poorly then" I rub my forehead with my hands. Vivian offers me a bottle of water and I happily take it.

"Thanks tiny" I smile at her. Well time to call the tow truck company

I'm liking this story more so far also Happy Christmas

Oop also forgot to mention that I got the name River from The River Styx

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