Save Some For Us

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[TW: talks about drowning]



That's when me and Fred sit back and watch the other two fight over the last piece of turkey. Honestly I just feel bad for the people next to us at this point. We've been here for 5 days already and day 2 we played Monopoly...


"I'm going to kick all of your asses" Lillian said as she claimed her first property

"Then try not to go bankrupt 5 minutes into the game" I said back

"Not my fault I keep landing in all of your properties" she crosses her arms and it's Vivians turn to roll


"Andddddd I'm bankrupt"


"AND???? I'm honestly just surprised I lasted this long"

"Yea so am I because you never do" And that's when she picked up the monopoly cat and threw it at my head

"What the fuck Lillian" I rubbed my forehead


"Here thought you could need it" He hands me a beer and I gladly take it from him

"Getting drunk on thanksgiving is a favorite holiday tradition of mine" I said before taking a sip

At that moment Vivian slapped her across the face for getting to close. I spit out what I was drinking and started coughing

"You little BITCH-" she tried grabbing Vivian but Fred held her back. After I was done dying I went to Vivian to make sure she was ok

"SHE CALLED ME FAT" Vivian hissed while glaring at Lillian





"Fine im changing the gun cabinets code when we get home"

"OK OK OK IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO CALL YOU FAT IM HANGRY" she holds her arms up in a surrendering motion

"Ok good now let's all just sit together and watch a movie alright?"


And just like that...silence


For some reason I'm in a bad mood. Maybe some form of higher power enjoys pissing on my good days.

I'm currently sitting down at the underwater part of the Oval of Death and it's oddly peaceful.

All I know is that it's past 10:30pm and I'm by myself.

I hugged my knees to chest and pressed my forehead against the glass and watched it fog up

I slowly closed my eyes and drifted asleep.


She's so peaceful...

I slowly swim up to the glass and press my hand up against it. I smile at the fact she looks comfortable. I close my eyes and press my forehead against the glass

It's been a little since I've seen her around water. I'm glad she didn't fight to stay at the apartment...

She shifts around in her sleep now laying on her right side. I don't understand why she hides that scar. She looks badass with it

I frown and sigh then decided take my hand off the glass

"Watching her again I see" fuck...

"I'm not a creep I sware" I watch as his eyes go straight to the girl that's sleeping peacefully

"Why do you care for her so much? Humans have always been pathetic and weak"

"Because I feel like shit ok." I could have done something to help but I didn't and the guilt is eating me alive

"It happened years ago you need to drop it"

"Doesn't matter if it happened yesterday or not I still feel bad" I crossed my arms over my chest I could practically feel my eyes turning black

"She's still alive isn't she? There no point stressing over it!"

"Can't you see why I feel like shit for 5 seconds! She could have-" I stoped what I was saying after she shifted in her sleep again

"She could have died. It would have been my fault if they didn't get to her in time" I said in a more whispered voice

"Really. Get. over. yourself" he's standing inches away from my face with his hands in fists

I punched him. In the nose. Pretty damn hard as well

"Your a fucking asshole." I started swimming away then turned around to say something again

"You know. It's moments like this we're I wish you would have been there that night" he said nothing but just looked at me with a bored expression. Then he fucking laughed.

"Why. I would have let her drown. Her breed doesn't deserve to live" I'm utterly shocked

"What if that was your fucking sister!"

"She's not your sister nor is she mine so I don't give a shit if she died or not!" I started seeing red after that

"I- what the fuck is wrong with you!"

He's swimming up to me now and he looks pissed

"No absolutely not stay the fuck away from me  and I sware on all things love and light if you do anything to her I will kill you" I said as I turned around to go back home

"All I'm trying to say is you shouldn't waste your time" he said back to me

"Go fuck yourself Jack" I got away as fast as possible. Why do I bother to stay friends with that asshole?


I woke up and it was brighter than it was when I feel asleep

I stretched my arm above my head and quickly checked my phone

It was 5:27... "son of a bitch" I put my phone in my pocket and stood up

"Enjoy your nap sleeping beauty" Fred smirked from the door

"Fucks sake man" my heart...I think I'm dying...Lucifer?

"Jesus I didn't mean to give you a heart attack" he walks up to my and ruffles hair. I swat his hand away and unknotted my hair

"I had a weird fucking dream" I mumbled rubbing my forehead

"What we're you sucking off Harry Styles?" He asks while he slings his arm around my shoulder and we walk back to the dining area

"Unfortunately no..." he looks at my with his brows raised "there was these 2 weird looking things with tails and they were arguing about someone that drowned..."

"Are you ok? Did you drink to much? How much weed did you smoke?" He looks me dead in the eyes with both of his hands on my shoulders

"I'm fine holy crap It was just odd" I push his hands off of my shoulders and continue walking

"Alright then...I'll ask you about it later when you not hangry" I sent him a death glare

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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