Time Really Does Fly

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It's been about a week since we started the engine 4 project. Totaled was a bit of an overstatement but it was in rough shape. The hoses were torn so we replaced them then kept the old ones for doing cool shit with them

But for a quick summary here's what happened every day:

Day 1.
"No that goes there"

"No it does not"

"Are you fucking blind"

"Oh my lord it goes there!"



Day 2.
"Lillian we can't paint it black"

"Why nottttttttt"

"Are you serous?"

"But it looks boringggggggg"

"Stop complaining and put the spray can down"

"God your such a party pooper."

"Lord please give me strength"

Day 3:



"Yes Vivian?"

"It won't click"

"Try turning it the other way tiny"

"OH! thank you"

"Mhm your welcome"

Day 4.

"I don't know what your talking about..."

"There's a big fucking line on the side of the truck and your about to tell it wasn't you."

"I don't see a line..."

"I need more vodka."

Day 5.
"Start it when I tell you to start it ok?"

"Got it"

"Alright. Ready 3...2..-"




"It's fine I just need new lungs now"

Andddd now your all caught up days 6&7 were highly uneventful so you didn't miss anything there. But we dropped the tuck back off at the station Dan and even the Chief were surprised it was fixed that fast

But now we're back to the same old boring daily routine. Well boring to me because we've been through this over 1,000,000,000+ times...

"Alright ladies and...you" She points towards Fred who is casually leaning against the wall with a full glass of wine in his hand

"What's on the agenda today" She asks

"I want to go to a morgue" Yea Vivian is not the person you should strive to be when your older...

"For the one hundredth time we are not going to see dead people" Lillian rubs her forehead with her hand

"Fine I'll do it myself" She takes a gun out from her boot and walks to the door

I quickly get up and wrap my arms around her torso to stop her from killing anyone outside our apartment. She wriggles around in my arms to break free but fails

"Yea how about we don't kill people today eh?"

"Fine" She puts the gun back into boot "I'll do it tomorrow then" She leans back against the sofa crossing her arms

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