1: Meeting

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So today was the day I was going to learn how to actual be in a band and play with others. The music teacher at my high school recommend I should go here. That's what I did, I had a few friends going there, well they're not really my friends I guess? It's my friend friends, Nina, her friends are my friends I guess, I don't know she's only my friend.

I don't get along with them that much, Nina says I should 'get to know them.' But I try so hard they always ignore me. So I'm better off by myself or with Nina.

I was currently getting ready and I was in a rush oh boy, the school started at 9:00 sharp and it's 8:15. I decided on a big jumper and a pair of baby blue jeans with daisies on them, and converses. My hair was wet because I came out of the shower. I'm praying dad is asleep.

My mother has died because of cancer, she had lung cancer and sadly she lost the battle. Each night I cried, because of her death and because of the guilt my dad has given me. Everyday I would go outside, "it's your fault." I go eat with him. "It's your fault." I don't know how it's my fault, he says because of the 'stress.' I given her, and he said she died early because of the so-called 'stress.' She could've lived longer.

All the time he does drugs, I would go to the toilet in order you have to go to the toilet in my house, you have to pass the living room and the kitchen. I always see him with a plastic container and him shoving those leaves in his mouth.

When drugs didn't help he would take it out on me, he would slap me or twist my arm hoping it would break for some reason. I cried, I cried but no one was there to save me from this dreadful nightmare.

I heard a car honk and I quickly rush outside, and thank god dad is in his room I grab the keys of the house and lock the doors. As I was walking to Nina's car I saw her friends. Great. I let out a sigh as I make it to the back seat. I heard her friend Ashley turn the music up, they were playing billies song. "I didn't change my number." It is a good song but the amount times they play it whenever I catch a ride with them just makes me want to punch the song. Nina starts the car, and she drives off.

"Hey harlow, how are you?" Nina asks with a cocky tone

"I'm good." I grumble I hid my annoyed tone

"Are you wearing make up?" Ashely asks

"No." I say honestly, I didn't get time to.

"Uh, I think you're lying." She says in a teasing tone

"How?" I reply back

"You're not that naturally beautiful." She says while she fixes up her lipstick

I kept my mouth shut as I felt my confidence go down, after she said that Nina became quiet and the other two giggled. I wanted to cry, I tried to keep my crying on a limit.

"Don't worry, I'm just being honest." She says while brining out a makeup wipe. "Here, prove that you're not wearing makeup."

What the fuck? Why does she care so much.

I snatch the makeup wipe off her and she left out a scoff as I rubbed it against my cheek and eyelids as she watched after rubbing my face. I shoved the makeup wipe back at her face she saw it and rolled her eyes.

After being in the car for 10 hours, we finally made it to the school. I get out of the car and I waited for Nina, I came up to her and pulled her away from those girls.

"I don't want to go with you anymore, if you're going with them." I mumble

She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

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