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Seong : 3 months old


"Come on, baby girl, stop crying! Please" Taehyung grumbled as he paced the floor, holding his screaming three month old daughter in his arms. She had been going at this for about 20 minutes now with no signs of holding up, and Taehyung was beginning to get frustrated

"Don't you get tired from all this screaming and crying?" Taehyung theoretically asked the baby in a weary fashion. His eyelids were falling. He was exhausted. But it was his turn with the baby, so unless he could get her to relax and then put her down before she started crying again thus making it Jennie's turn. He was stuck with the fussy infant

Nevertheless, the baby continued to cry, and Taehyung knew he wouldn't be getting back to bed any time soon

"Well, since we're up. I might as well get something to eat" Taehyung shrugged. He made his way into the kitchen, letting out another yawn as he opened the door to the refrigerator. The bright light emerging from the stainless steel appliance seemed to irritate the baby even further, for once it covered her, she let out an even shriller cry than usual

"Oops, sorry pumpkin" Taehyung gasped in realization. He readjusted the infant so she was resting against his chest with her head lolling on his shoulder "I got ya, baby"

Seong's screaming ceased, at least in its severity. She was still crying, however, her tears now staining Taehyung's white pajama shirt. Sighing, the young father pulled out a piece of chocolate cake that seemed to just be calling out his name and placed it on the table. Seong kept up her whimpering, causing Taehyung to twist his mouth in deep thought

"Are you crying because you are hungry?" Taehyung wondered aloud "I thought Mommy fed you the last time you were up. But I guess it wouldn't be unheard of for you to want some more...." Seong kept on with her blubbering, squirming unpleasantly in her father's hold

Biting his lip, Taehyung reopened the fridge and picked out the special formula prescribed to the baby from the doctor. It was meant to be a supplement with her milk in order to help the infant to gain some weight, since she was a bit small and underweight for a baby of her age

Taehyung shrugged, bringing the bottle over to the microwave in order to heat it up "Maybe I can get you to stop crying and get you a little chubbier!" Even Taehyung's soothing voice didn't seem to be calming the baby

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung just continued to bounce the baby up and down, waiting for her supplement formula to finish heating up. As soon as the microwave beeped, Taehyung threw open the door and pulled out the bottle, nearly burning his hand in the process

"AH" Taehyung yelped, tossing the bottle onto the table "Okay, that hurt...."

Seong turned her head over her shoulder and stopped her crying to instead let out a few hiccups and coos

It was quite clear that Taehyung's pain had fascinated and distracted her "Gee, thanks, baby girl" Taehyung grumbled, walking back over to the table to retrieve the bottle. It had cooled down significantly, even after only a few seconds

First dropping some of the supplement on his arm to test its temperature, Taehyung decided that it was at a degree where Seong wouldn't burn her mouth on the stuff. Sitting down at the table, Taehyung placed the baby into her high chair, where she proceeded to break out into tears again

Moaning in frustration, Taehyung picked up the bottle and held it in front of Seong's mouth, but the baby simply made a face and turned her head away

"Come on, it's yummy" Taehyung waved the bottle in her face "Yummy! You eat this stuff all the time" Seong whined and looked away even further

Taehyung once again positioned the bottle by her mouth and when Seong realized her head wouldn't turn any further, she instead tilted her face down so her lips were pressed against her shoulder

"So....what?" Taehyung deadpanned "You're not hungry?" Seong's cry grew a little louder, which led Taehyung to give up on trying to feed the baby

Sighing, he placed the bottle back down on the table and muttered "Well, Jennie's not gonna be too happy to find out that I wasted some of your special formula..."

Sitting down in his seat, Taehyung started to eat the slice of chocolate cake he had picked out, but Seong's cries were proving to be pretty distracting. And, worst of all, heart wrenching...

Frowning, Taehyung put down his fork and turned his eyes onto his miserable daughter "Come on, pumpkin, Daddy doesn't like to see you this way! And he's trying to eat, too..."

Seong stuck her fingers in her mouth and continued to sob, her face turning red as she screamed. Dropping his shoulders as he let out an exhausted breath, Taehyung reached over and pulled Seong out of her high chair, instead choosing to hold the child in his lap. This seemed to calm Seong down a little bit, as she let out an unhappy gurgle but stopped her crying

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