Big bang

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Bright Saturday with the sun shining in our backyard and me in my swim suit. Thank god no one's there to see me. That one really highlights my back rolls. And my stomach. And the way my hips carve in then back out. And how weird my butt looks. God I hope the neighbors didn't look over the fence. What if they did? Everyone at school's gonna know. No one thinks I'm attractive anyways. I should cover myself. Just in case.

I went to get a sun dress and a book. Tanning was over, I would probably have gotten a sunburn anyways. I opened the door and headed to my room. I grabbed my pink dress that has daisies all over and Percy Jackson which was lying on my nightstand. I closed the blinds and changed.
God the reflection. I should really lose weight. Maybe I could get a gym membership? Or just starve myself. It worked the last time...
I passed through the kitchen a second time and headed for the sun. The door was opened. And my dog was gone. Lou. I felt my heart pumping. I ran out the house letting the door hit the frame with a big "Bang". I went around the blog three times and a fourth once I armed myself with threats. I called out her name as loud as my lungs let me. She was nowhere to be found. She was gone. I let her out. How could I be so freaking careless! I'm so stupid!

-I'm sure she'll come back once she's tired, My mom tried to reassure me.

-But what if she doesn't...?, at this point my face was puffy and my eyes all read.

All my mom could do was pay my back, after all it's not like she could bring her back home, we lost her. I passed an entire hour wondering, stressing about where my baby had ran off to before falling asleep. I imagined all sorts of horrible outcomes for her. Prepared for the worst but still hoped for the best. She would come back. She had to. Right?

The next day we put posters all around our block with the most recent picture of her and my moms phone number. I made them myself with blue writing, the color of Lou's favorite ball. Eric helped us hang them on shop windows and on light poles. I hope it works, fast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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