A Thought is Worth so Much More

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The palace was much dimmer than I remembered it being, the torches around the corridors lit the dark halls only slightly, casting eerie shadows along the stone walls. The rooms weren't much better. The only difference was bright red banners and queen beds with silk sheets.

I snuck under the faint torchlight in the dead of night, tiptoeing to be sure of my secrecy. I opened the double-doors leading into the garden carefully, but they still squeaked a little bit. I winced and stood in place barely breathing for a moment. When I heard no other sound then my anxious breath, I squeezed through the small crack in the door into the courtyard.
"Katara," I hissed.

"I'm here," I heard a soft voice respond. I sighed in relief as I heard her gentle voice from the clearing.
I walked slowly across the damp grass, towards my favorite place in the entire planet. The Turtle Duck Pond. Katara was sitting on a rock beside the pond, her golden skin glowing in the pale moonlight. I sat beside Katara, her blue eyes sparkling excitedly.

Katara and I had stayed up the majority of the night the previous night, and it was amazing. She was one of the few people I'd ever been around that was kind to me, despite the fact that I was spiteful and rude. She listened to me, smiled, and commented, it felt like she actually cared. Although I wouldn't want anyone thinking I was friends with a water nation girl let alone a servant I continued to talk to her. At this point my reputation couldn't really get any worse, so talking to someone wouldn't hurt.

"Do you think that your father will let you stay?" Katara blurted. I hesitated. "Unlikely," I finally replied bitterly.
"Oh," she looked sad.
"Don't worry about it, I may be able to ask for a personal servent obn the ship," after I said this her eyes gleamed at first, then they faded and the smile wiped off of her face.
"I couldn't...." She spoke after a long pause, "Sokka's here... And I just can't leave him..." I nodded.
"I understand..."
"No you don't," she replied bluntly, "but that's ok. No one understands."
Then she started crying. I opened my arms and she fell into my chest.
She gripped my shirt tightly, her tears splashing warmly on it. I sat there awkwardly for a moment and then began stroking her smooth brown hair.

I soon became painfully aware of her hot breath on my shirt, her fingernails digging into the back, her chest on mine... I shook my head to clear of all provacotive thoughts of the watertribe servant. My face began to feel warm as if I were blushing.

Stop Zuko! Not now! I thought to myself. She suddenly pushed me away, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make a fuss, just forget about this," Katara sniffled. I lightly grabbed her wrist. "Nonsense. Tell me whatever you want," I almost yelled. She turned around her eyes still shedding a few tears, but she was smiling. "Thank you," she replied, drawing me back into a hug.
Watching Katara leave after our long night talk was probably one of the hardest things that I've done in awhile. I let her leave, but there was a pang in my chest like I had been stabbed with a thousand tiny daggers.

As the next day went on I could her her voice in my ears and imagine her soft skin against mine. I imagine her piercing blue eyes illuminated in the moonlight, her dark hair tucked behind her ear. Oh god she's so beautiful, I thought, but soon after I had those thoughts a banged my head against the desk that I sat at. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I said to myself, "she's a servant girl of the water tribe!"
"I see your experiencing a little trouble." I jumped at the sound of the voice.
"Uncle Iroh, you scared me!" I breathed.
My uncle chuckled, "Ah my boy, falling in love is very special, and it doesn't come very often, you should embrace it while you still can."
"Zuko, let your heart be your guide, the rest can wait."
I apologize for taking so long, and for the short chapter, but I was lacking in inspiration. Thank you guys so much for supporting me and enjoying my work!
ily~ Yullanni

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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