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I've never liked being blind. On land it's fine I guess because of my feet but anywhere else is living hell. I can't see anything so others feel like they have to baby me. Even though they're missing the one important fact: I can still feel and hear just fine! I know what they're saying!

We boarded the boat to the southern water tribe late this morning. I can still see now, but I'm not looking forward to arriving in the South Pole. Our family is trading with the fire nation ships who're stationed in the south pole. No one expects me to complain or even open my mouth (and I'm not saying I'm going to), but sometimes I wish that I wasn't filthy rich. If I wasn't maybe my parents would've excepted my earth-bending, but they don't so I just have to deal.

Soon I heard shouting outside, so I assumed we were there. I heard a knock on the heavy metal door. "Young Master Toph, we've arrived," a guard cracked open the door and told me. I nodded, and followed him to the door. Once we were in the cold outside air my mother put a warm parka around my shoulders.


Not only could I not see, but there was also and old fire-bending general blabbing on about stuff I can't even see while riding around on a body of water that I can't see either.
"Can we stop soon?" I complained, "I need to stretch my legs."

I felt trapped in that cramped space and not being able to see just made it worse. "Sure," the general said more cheerfully than he should have.
I groaned internally as the general and another guard guided me off the boat. I hated feeling helpless and that's exactly how that situation made me feel. "I need to go to the bathroom, you two stay right here," the general ordered as I heard him trudging away.
Once his footsteps had halted I heard small popping noises coming from below my feet and soon there was a loud crack, and the ice wobbled. I got on my knees to stop myself from falling into the freezing water.

I was surprisingly calm as the rapid waters carried me with the current, not gently, I might add. I stuck my hand in front of me and eventually felt a freezing surface, stepped forward and stood up slowly. I stumbled a few times digging my nails into the thick ice trying to move around it and see if it was connected to land. Soon I heard a loud crackle in the ice below my fingers. I cool burst of air shot out at me. I stifled a scream.

The burst of air made me fall onto my back. When the air stopped I heard the sound of breathing. I scrambled over to where the sound was coming from. As I touched them I realized that they were a human. "Are you ok?" I asked, as I shook them. The person, who sounded like a boy who was about my age muttered back, "Yeah I'm fine. Where am I?" As if half asleep. "The South Pole," I responded bitterly. He gasped.


I stared at the girl. She seemed about my age. She had dark brown hair, almost black, and pale blue eyes that were staring into space, not looking at anything. I wave my hand in front of her face but no response. "Are you... Blind...?" I ask hesitantly. "Yes. Thank's for kindly pointing that out. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to get back to my ship," she said stubbornly, making a move to step onto another piece of ice. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't just leave it's not safe! I can take you, on my flying bison," I say proudly placing my hands on my hips. She started to laugh hysterically. "You're kidding, right?"
I cocked my eyebrow in a confused manner, fully aware she wasn't able to see it. "I'm serious. You mean, you've never seen a flying bison before?" I questioned. Her laughter stopped abruptly. She cleared her throat. "Seen? No I've never seen one! In fact I've never seen anything!" She snarled, her unseeing eyes as cold as the surrounding snow. I was a bit taken aback by her seething tone and the venom in her voice. "No... I didn't mean... I'm sorry for not thinking," I said apoplectically. The slight glimmer of triumph in her eyes said yeah, you better be, now don't do it again. Appa groaned and slowly rolled over, lazily, onto his back. "No Appa... Get up, please~," I begged. Appa let out a low sigh and heaved himself to his large feet once again.
"I'm Aang, by the way," I said cheerily, trying to make my tone of voice sound as friendly as possible.
"Toph," the blind girl grumbled.
"Toph. If you want to get back safely you'll need to trust me," I pleaded. She peered at me suspiciously and finnally nodded, I used my hand to guide her onto Appa's back and have her safely seated before we headed towards the towns in the South Pole.

I'm sorry for taking so long to update lovebugs~ I promise I'll update more frequently from now on.
Thank you all for supporting me
Love you guys,

Fire Boy and Water GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora