The Fire Prince and the Turtle Duck Pond

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The sea is surprisingly calm for a windy afternoon.

I'm still loading some heavy boxes onto shore when a voice sounds from the deck. "Stop patronizing me, Azula! I don't need these peasants to load boxes for me! I'm not helpless!" "Zuzu! You can't do work, you're a prince! Leave the work to the servants! It's their job, besides if people see you they'll start rumors about how you've been demoted to servant," Azula hisses back at him. Prince Zuko!? AZULA!? I thought. Zuko grunts. I hear him and his Sister, coming closer, so I hide behind a crate.

"Zu-Zu! Let's go inside. Work is extremely dull, and this heat is bad for my skin. You know that it's three days before my wedding!" His sister moans, but Zuko doesn't listen and carries a box outside. I sigh, and follow Zuko out with another box in tow. I place the box on the dock and go back into the ship for more. I stare at the ground, knowing the way back to the ship. I bump into someone and stumble backwards, then fall on my butt. "Ow," I grumble, "Watch where you're goi-" My eyes widen when I see the person I ran into was prince Zuko. "Oh! Prince Zuko I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, while standing up, and bowing. I try to walk around him, but I trip over my own feet, and Zuko catches me. He chuckles, "You're pretty clumsy, aren't you?" I feel my face grow red. "Not normally, no," I mutter, and shuffle around him. Then turn around and bow before running off.

After all the boxes are loaded onto the shore one of the men orders us to walk back to the castle, so we do obediently.


When I can't sleep I most times just stare at the ceiling until I feel my eyelids growing heavy, but sometimes I'll sneak out, and go to the center of the palace where the turtle duck pond is and stare at the moon and stars.

Tonight I feel exceptionally restless, so I sneak out to the pond, once again, but when arrive there is someone, a boy, sitting on the edge. I'm going to run away, but I brush against a bush before I get the chance. The boy sends a wave of fire in my direction, and I duck while shrieking. "Oh! I'm sorry to have scarred you!" the boy exclaims and rushes over to see if I'm injured.

It's Prince Zuko! His hair is down, so I don't recognize him at fist but the scar makes me definitely know it's him. His eyes are more golden then ever in the silver moonlight.

I now understand why he is the most loved teen boy in the fire nation. "I'm sorry.." I mutter, "I shouldn't be bothering you... I'll just go back to bed..." Zuko grabs my wrist as I turn to leave. "Wait! You came out here to look at the stars, right? I won't stop you. And I certainly won't report you. I come here all of the time while I'm home," The prince explains. I shake my head. "I'd just be a nuisance, " I reply and turn away again. "It's fine. I promise," he assures. "Ok then. Just this once," I finally reply and turn back to him sharply. Zuko relaxes and smiles at me. "I like the moon," he comments and sits on a stone on the edge of the pond, "It's mysterious, but that's what makes it beautiful, you know?" I nod and sit in the grass next to him.

"So why are you being so nice to me?" I ask suspiciously after a small period of silence. He glances at me and the look in his eyes is not pity, but something else like maybe empathy. "Because I know how it feels to be an outcast," He responds simply.

For the next two nights I kept feeling restless and both of them he was there, welcoming me. No one from the fire nation has ever been so kind to me.

On the second night we converse as always and somehow come onto the topic of Azula's marriage.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is it that Azula is getting married instead of you?" I ask carefully. His eyes become distant and you could see the pain on his face from a mile away.

"I was banished, rember? The only reason I'm here is because she's getting married. Otherwise I'd still be sailing the seas searching for a nonexistent avatar," He grimaces and faces the other way so that I can't see his face.

I place a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I say. He turns back to me and smiles weakly.

"Thank you, Katara."

You guys are probably wondering who finds Aang? Well, you'll find out soon enough ;)

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