House of Fun- Chapter 3

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Leopold Fitz was admittedly pretty frustrated with Daisy. She broke the single most important-no-the ONLY rule that Coulson had left with them before leaving for his "vacation". Fitz wasn't exactly pleased to have to figure out the mess, when in fact, he could be home with his wonderful wife and daughter.

Fitz was standing next to Mack as the Director had to explain that this is, in fact SHIELD, and that no, it did not get completely disbanded all those years ago. Fitz was watching the Avengers, his hands fidgeting with his ring (as they so often did) and was mentally criticizing their outdated ship. Sure, it had cloaking, but it was very outdated cloaking. With absolutely no clear rendering. Fitz wasn't sure the cameras have been cleaned. He would certainly have to ask the engineers to update it. Because he couldn't...he can't...well...he might as well. 

How would Jemma find out anyways? It's just adding some...MAJOR adjustments to the ship. But alas, Fitz knew that it would turn into an obsession pretty quickly. 

Fitz's mind snapped back to reality when he heard Mack calling his name. 


"Yeah? Yeah. I'm here. What's up?" He said, failing at trying to look like he's been paying attention. 

"I was asking you to lead the Avengers to the lab? Where you could explain to them how Coulson is not technically alive, but still here in the sense?" Mack smirked at Fitz. He just loved dragging his friend into doing work when he well knows that Fitz is retired for a reason. It didn't really matter though, since Fitz is often doing work for Mack secretly behind Jemma's back. 

"Yes sir." He said turning towards the Avengers. He straightened out his jacket, shoving his hands in his pockets. "All right then. Follow me." He turned on his heel to walk out of the hanger, making his way towards the lab. 

"So what is this place even called?" He heard Clint Barton ask. Fitz stopped and looked at them, his expression a mixture of confusion and annoyance. 

"You mean other than 'SHIELD Base'?" He replied, continuing to walk. Clint followed after him. 

"Well, last time I checked, SHIELD had all of these crazy names for each of their bases. Like Sandbox, Fridge, Playground." 

"Right. Well, the name is kind of obvious, but it's the Lighthouse." Fitz replied. Barton nodded in response, looking around the corridor they were walking in. 

Fitz was relieved when they finally reached his-the lab. He stopped outside of the doors, motioning for the Avengers to walk on in. Once the guests were all inside, Fitz followed in after them, about to go over to a table where LMD designs were present when a lab engineer walked up to him. 

"Zephyr 2 is about ready to go. They're just adding in some extra tools. Like an extra time-warping engine, so that no time loops happen again." The engineer said, looking rather proud of herself. 

"Good work Dr. Turley. I'll see to it to have it inspected, and then it'll go off for its last mission. It's a job well done." Fitz replied, nodding in approval to the scientist. He's been teaching the lab workers on the basics of time travel, so that they could use it in missions. 

The scientist nodded, walking of to her workspace as Fitz made his way over to the Avengers. 

"All right. So let's discuss LMDs." He turned to face the group as they sat down in some gathered chairs. Fitz took a deep breath. It's not every day that you're face to face with Avengers, explaining something difficult that only you, the inventor, only really understand. 

"LMDs were made roughly 5 or 6 years ago, when there was...a certain situation where... a certain person was trying to accomplish... a certain task." Fitz mentally grimaced. He hated that there was only so much that he could tell them. They weren't exactly supposed to know of that certain mission, and Fitz certainly didn't want to relive it by telling them. 

"We had mostly dropped the LMD idea since it had caused so much harm and destruction the first time that they were invented. But about 2 years ago, which is really about 2 years in the future, but it technically didn't happen yet, even though it was before this happened, but after this moment in time-" he caught himself rambling the points of it, and stopped himself, rubbing his temple. 

"Sorry about that. Time travel is confusing. Let's just say it like this: a while after they were first created, they were once again made to bring back old agents. That is how we revived agent Coulson. But not for the first time. He was first revived by project Tahiti, to which he died a couple of more times before he became and Life Model Decoy, which is an LMD." 

Fitz looked at the Avengers, only to see them with confused expressions. 

"Damn it. If only Jemma was here. She's much better at explaining things than I am." He said ti himself. He sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes. 

"I'll give you a video to watch later, but that's the gist of it." 

Tony Stark nodded, but was not paying any attention. He was to busy looking at the lab with the cool holotables, shiny workspaces, and floating objects. 

Fitz noticed his eyes wandering and rolled his eyes, leaning against the counter. 

Steve Rogers turned to Fitz. He seemed to be the only one paying much attention. 

"How well do you know Agent Coulson?" He asked, leaning forward.

Fitz thought about it for a moment. "I mean, I programmed his brain which included his thoughts, emotions, and memories, so I would say that I know him pretty well. Not to mention that he's the grandfather to my daughter." 

Steve nodded, looking down.

"Can we see him?" He asked. Fitz frowned. 

"I guess you could, but I'm not really sure where he is right now. He's currently exploring the world. Seeing places and learning new things. His lifelong dream. But I'm sure when he comes back, he'll be excited to see you." Steve smiled at this, standing up.

An agent walked over to Fitz suddenly, whispering something to him. Fitz nodded, standing up. 

"Well, I have to go now. New mission report. You guys might as well follow me. Don't want you walking around the base alone. Come on." 


Mack was concerned. There were multiple robberies happening at high-level weapons and arms bases. He was calling in Yo-Yo, Fitz, Daisy, and even May for this. These bases were hidden, and seemed almost impossible to get in if you didn't work there. 

When the team was gathered, with the exception of Avengers in the background, he began the briefing. 

"Four high level, near impossible to enter weapons and arms bases have been raided. They haven't left much at the facilities, nor have they given many clues, as to who they are or what their whereabouts are. "

"They've only left one message in one of the bases. And I think that you'll all find this very interesting."

Mack tapped the holotable, a picture flying up to view. 

It was a picture of a wall from one of the bases, with black paint painting 4 terrible words.

Fall of the Hydra.

That's all for now! I know it was another long and boring chapter, but it kind of kicked off the story towards the end. I would love to hear your comments and opinions on it so far, and if you have any suggestions for a story! 

Have a wonderful rest of your day, and stay safe!


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