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A/N: Please vote (: enjoy.

Caroline walks confidently up to the new kid whose name I still haven't found out and rests her hand on her hip. She lets go of my wrist and I sigh, looking everywhere but them two. Why am I here again?

"Hey Justin!" She chirps. I look at her weirdly and roll my eyes at her fake flirting voice.

"Hey ladies, Adabella, right?" He smirks at me.

"It's Adabelle." I put an emphasis on "belle" already annoyed with his deep and unexpected voice. I take this time to take in his appearance. He was wearing black leather pants that looked way too hot to be in, a black hoddie with two white letters on the front, rolled up to his elbows, a black hat with a sports team on the front, and last but not least his red supras. He looked emo or something, and quite frankly it looked like he belonged to a gang.

"Yeah, and I'm Caroline!" I look at Caroline and see that her eyes are desperately searching for ones who are pinned on me.

"Caroline, I need a drink I'm going inside." I fight against looking at Justin again, feeling bad for Caroline. She deserves someone way better than him she just doesn't see it and there is no way of stopping her.

I moseyed my way inside and bump into someone. "Will you watch it-" I look up to see the guy who spilt his drink on me earlier, Tristan.

"So we meet again." I smile.

He smiles back and sways in his spot obviously drunk now.

"Where you headed?" He asks over the blaring music.

"what?" I squint my eyes, even though that wouldn't help me hear any better.

He leans down so his mouth is next to my ear, and grips my waist to steady himself, "Where are you headed?" He repeats himself and I point to the kitchen then show him my empty cup.

He leads the way to the kitchen and pours us both a drink from an orange mixer then hands one of the two cups to me.

"What is it?" I sniff the drink. "Just try it" He chuckles, taking a drink of his. I bring it up to my lips and take a small sip.

"God thats strong, what is that?!" I hold the drink away from me. "Its tequila!" He laughs taking another swig of his. I shake my head and set my drink down behind me.

"So do you go to Woodway high?" He asks leaning against the counter across from me. "Yeah, do you?"

He nods, "I can't believe you go to my school and I've never seen you."

I shrink back against the counter, realizing that I'm not always the girl he is seeing right now. I never have a full face of makeup and I don't wear this nice of clothing. Hopefully after tonight he won't notice me at school. I don't want to disappoint him and get let down when I see the look on his face when he realizes that I'm actually not what he wants.

"Well who do you hang out with?" I question.

"Tannor Scald and them. Justin Bieber too, the new kid. You met him? He's a funny guy."

Tannor Scald is the richest guy in our school. His parents fund everything and are super involved. He's also extremely attractive, it doesn't come as a surprise that he hangs around that crowd.

"Seems like a stuck up cocky guy to me." I state and Tristan laughs then agrees with me.

Tristan and I talk for a while before I excuse myself to call my Father again, then come back in and join him on the dance floor, laughing at how he was dancing to a Taylor Swift remix.

We were having a blast until I felt someone's presence on the back of my body. I turn around and back up from the guy, realizing that it was Justin.

"What dont you get?! Take a hint dude, stay away from me." I gulp and stutter on my words. He wets his lips then grabs my wrist, dragging me outside. I look back at Tristan only to find that he wasn't there anymore. Why does everyone seem to disappear at parties?

"Let go of me!" I pry his fingers off my wrist once we get outside in the front of the house. A couple people are out here but not much, its much more quieter too but I can still feel and hear the bass of the music inside.

"Whats wrong with you?" He asks.

"What's wrong with me?" I laugh, "you're the one who dragged me outside after nearly groping me without my consent and you are asking what's wrong with me?"

"It's dancing, don't be so dramatic."

I shrink into myself again, believing his words. Don't be so dramatic Adabelle. He was only trying to dance. Why would he want to be with you anyways? Look at you.

"Every other girl would fall to their knees to talk to me. You should be happy I want to talk to you."

I let a sarcastic laugh escape from my lips, "sorry to burst your bubble Bieber but not every girl is falling over heels for you. Don't touch me again, please." I couldn't help but say please at the end. The last thing that I wanted to do was get on his bad side.

"Caroline! I've been looking for you everywhere!" I walk up to the hot tub to see her in her bra and panties, sitting with a bunch of guys with her feet dangling in the tub as she laughs at something one of them said.

"Well now you've found me." She sarcastically smiles.

"Can we please leave?" I ignore her attitude, assuming it's just because she is intoxicated.

"Damn slow down there babe, why in such a rush? Join us." One of the guys whom I don't know speaks up before Caroline and I shudder, disgusted that he called me babe.

"Your kidding me right?" Caroline jumps to her feet and gets in my face, "You just have to come and ruin everything don't you? First, you steal Justin away from me! And now you steal them?" Caroline steps forward with every word, making me stumble backwards.

"What? Caroline I didn't steal anyone from you, I don't even know those guys and Justin doesn't deserve you anyways he's disgusting and rude." I confess to her, trying to calm her temper down.

"Every time you show up when I'm talking to a guy it's like I'm invisible!" She shoves my shoulders back.

"That's why I left when we were talking to Justin so that you could talk to him alone! And I came here because I wanted to go home!" Tears stream down my face as I try to explain to Caroline my side of the story. Everyone outside was looking at us now and people from inside started to gather around us. Great, just what I wanted.

"You are so full of bullshit!" She screams and the vein in her forehead was beginning to show. She continued to walk forward and I started to question what was behind me before I didn't have to, and I was emerged in freezing cold water.

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