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My Father left soon after he told me the news. I was feeling every emotion at once. For one, I was confused as to why he wanted his punching bad out of the house. Yet, I was also glad. I am sad because that house was the only thing I had left that belonged to my mom. I was mad that he put me in the hospital, then expected me to go live on my own. 

I fold my hospital gown, setting it on the bathroom counter and look up directions to the nearest bus station. Thankfully it was only a few blocks away. Every time I took a step my ribs ached and I wondered if the pain would ever subside.

The ride home was around a half an hour and I realize he brought me to a different hospital because last time I was in the one closest to my house I made friends with some of the nurses because I was there for much longer. They would have surely caught on to what was going on if I had two falls like this in one year. 

As soon as I take a whiff of the house, I smell cigarette smoke. This place used to be so bright and happy, it always smelt like baked goods and delicious foods because my mom loved to cook. Now, it just smells of alcohol and smoke and misery. Everything is dark and depressing.

I walk upstairs to my room and grab my suitcase and fill it with my belongings, which wasn't much anymore. He has took so much away from me. I have to get out of here.

After packing, I began to search online for job openings, seeing as I will have to get some money in order to live on my own. I scroll down and something catches my eye;

JOB OPENING! Sweet Clinks cafe, looking for anyone who can serve our customers with a smile! Please fill out the form then come to our cafe on Broadstone Drive to turn it in! Thank You!

I inwardly smile. This is perfect. I click on the link and fill out the form, print it then sign it at the bottom. "Perfect" I whisper. 


I wake up the next morning in a panic, realizing that I had fallen asleep at the house. I run to my window and notice that my Fathers car was still missing from the driveway. A breath of relief pushes through my lips. I take a shower, knowing that it was going to be difficult to shower for the next few days then cover the bruises on my face and applying some mascara to cover up the fact that I am exhausted. 

When I get to the Cafe I filled out the job application for, the gold bell dings as I walk through the glass door. Small round tables sat on the checkered floor, each of them with a small vase of flowers and two to three metal chairs painted pink surrounding them.

"Welcome to sweet clinks cafe-" a deep and monotone voice welcomes me, standing up from placing pastries inside the case.


"J-Justin?!" I couldn't stop laughing. I look up to see him annoyed. I straighten myself up and attempt to hide my smile.

"I did not expect to see Justin Bieber working in a cute little cafe." I walk up to the counter where he was. 

"That is none of your business. What are you doing so far out of town?"

"Ah I see. You work all the way out of town, in hopes nobody would find you working in such a girly place." I smile and pinch one of his cheeks like a grandma does.

He rolls his eyes and pry's my fingers off his surprisingly baby soft face.

"I saw there were job openings here and I'm planning on getting my own apartment. I kind of need money to do that so..." I trail off gesturing to the store.

"Your going to try and get a job here?" He laughs sarcastically.

A man comes through the back door and I follow him over to the register, "Hi, is your manager in today?" I ask politely.

 "Yes. I am him, what can I help you with?"

"Oh! Yeah I um-" I pause to pull out my application and hand it to him. "I want to get a job here!" I smile. He reads over my filled out application.

"Okay. We will put you through training tomorrow morning at 7:00 am.. Be here seven sharp." He folds my application, shaking my hand. 

"Yeah! Yes! Thank you so much!" I quickly shake his hand then walk out of the cafe. When I get outside I look back into the glass and see Justin leaning over the counter with his arms overlapping each other, staring at me. I walk around the corner so I could no longer be seen. Walking to the bus stop, I look up tips on being a waitress.

The next morning I wake up at 5:30. I didn't need to set the wrong impression of being late. I take a shower, curl my hair into big ringlets, and where black shorts that go a few inches past my butt, a black v-neck t-shirt and my black vans. I brush on a couple layers of black mascara and a little concealer then head out, still finding it odd that my Fathers car was still gone.

Six minutes to spare, I walk down the isle of the bus and skip down the stairs. "Bye Bill!" I wave goodbye to the bus driver. He grunts and closes the bus doors earning a shrug from me. Bill is old and grumpy, never in a good mood unless he has candy in his hand and money in his jar.

ding! That bell will take a while to get used to. There was a woman in the corner of the store, eating her muffin but other than that, it was dead silent.

"You're here again?" I follow the voice to Justin who was standing behind the counter. "Yeah I got the job! I mean, I think so." Justin rolls his eyes, disappearing into the bathroom with a towel hanging in the back pocket of his pants.

"Good morning Adabelle! How are you?" The manager I met yesterday appears from behind door that leads to the back room.

"I am doing fantastic! How are you Mr. Burke?" I walk over to him, presenting myself with a sweet smile.

"Oh please, call me Rick." He chuckles. I laugh with a nod of my head. "Lets head to the back."

I take a seat at the long table next to his that was resting in front of the large monitor. Rick begins to  discuss the regulations and what times I will be working. I give him my number so he can update me on any changes or updates.

"Are you free right now to do a four hour training shift?" He asks me.

"Oh, uh, yes. I don't have any plans." 

"Awesome," He gets up, gesturing me to follow him. "Justin will be showing you the ropes of the mid-shift, he's my best worker here but don't tell him I told you that." Rick winks at me then pushes the door open, telling Justin the deal.

"I need to go run some errands so hold down the fort while I am gone and please don't burn the place down." He pleads, half joking, half serious while handing the store keys on a purple clip to Justin. 

"Have a nice day you two." Justin smiles to the old couple as they begin their walk out of the store.

"You too sweetie! It was so good seeing you!" The lady responds, waving her hand to him. I smile at her when she winks at me then locks arms with her husband as they exit. 

"You guys know each other?" I ask, curious as to why she was calling him 'sweetie'.

"She and her husband have been coming in here for a while now, since before I started working here. They come nearly everyday." He informs me, then eyes me weirdly as I struggle to tie my apron.

"Let me help you," I look up and see Justin standing in close distance from me. He gently grabs my arm to turn me around so that he can tie the strings together. My mouth becomes dry as I inhale his cologne, suddenly realizing how close in proximity we are. 

I gulp and suddenly turn around, causing his hand to run over my backside. 

"Thanks," I mumble and he smirks. 

"No problem sunshine, let me walk you through the tasks."

The four hours I was clocked in, Justin taught me how everything worked behind the counter. I didn't realize how funny Justin could be until I looked past his reputation. To be honest, I don't think I even paid attention to what I was being taught. I couldn't focus on anything when I was in close distance of Justin. When he walked away, I wanted to follow or I longed for him to return quickly. His body heat radiated off of him and I was left cold and alone when he left. I felt scared for how my body alone was acting towards him. I began to fear how I was going to feel around him in the future judging by how I felt after one afternoon with him.

AdabelleWhere stories live. Discover now