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The next morning I get up at 7 am and take a shower, repeating my normal routine. As I finish my last layer of mascara, I hop into my dark blue skinny jeans and pull my red tank top over my head, slipping on my black leather jacket on top, rolling the sleeves up to my elbows.

After I put on my shoes, I grab my bag and phone then bounce down the stairs. Stepping outside, I pull my under hoodie over my head trying to keep warm for the short walk to school.

"Ada?" My heart jumps, not expecting to hear my name in the voice of a guy.

"Oh, Justin?" I had never seen Justin's car coming down my street to get to school. In fact, my neighborhood is always deserted.

"You want a ride?" His car travels at a slow speed, keeping up with my pace.

"Uh..." I look around, seeing the street deserted and notice the slight frost on the houses front lawns. I could see my breath when I breathe, catching a ride with him to school wouldn't hurt, "Yeah, I guess. Thanks." I smile. I go to walk to the passenger side of his car but miss my footing and trip off of the curb onto the asphalt.

"Jesus, Adabelle!" I hear his door slam shut and look up to see him standing there.

"I tripped, I just tripped. I'm alright." I stand up with a little help from Justin and brush my jeans and shirt off. "That was embarrassing," I mumble. I hiss when my palms touch my jeans again and it's then I realize that they scraped against the road, causing them to bleed. Justin grabs my wrists and examines my bloody hands, shaking his head.

"Let's get you to the school so we can clean this up." He chews the inside of his cheek, his eyebrows furrowed. He looks mad but I let it go, climbing Into the car.

He walks ahead of me when we get to school, heading straight for the unisex bathroom. There weren't many people here yet because we were a bit early but the people who were here watched Justin walk by, looking at me with wonder. I kept my head low, not wanting to have too much attention on me.

"Are you sure you want to be seen going into a bathroom with me? What if someone sees?"

"Well we won't be doing anything wrong? I mean unless you want to-" I cut him off and he smirks.

"I got it, I got it. Whatever lets just get this over with." I roll my eyes, walking into the bathroom with him, quickly looking around to see if anyone was looking. He closes the door and I hear a 'click' indicating that he locked the door. My eyes widen, suddenly realizing that I was alone in a small bathroom with a guy who has a horrible reputation, someone I barely even know.

"Ada?" My heart skips a beat. I look at Justin standing by the sink.

"W-what? Yeah?" I shake my head, trying to shake my nervous thoughts. Nothing will happen, Ada. I try to convince myself.

"Sit on the sink." He pats the sink after setting a paper towel.

"Don't you think it will break off the wall?"

"You aren't going to break it, Ada," He chuckles. I walk over and try to get on the high plastered sink connected to the wall. "I'm just going to sit on the toilet." I say when I fail to sit on it. I tuck my hair behind my ears, suddenly embarrassed.

Justin chuckles grabbing my waist, heat rushing to where his hands came in contact with my skin. He effortlessly lifts me and I gasp, surprised that he could lift me so easily, blush finds its way to my heated cheeks. He dabs my hands with the wet towel and I flinch, "Ow, that hurts." I bite my lips and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Sorry," He continues more softly this time. I watch as he throws away the slightly red towel. He walks back over to me and stands between my legs. "Let me see?" He holds both my hands in his and examines them. But I could care less at the moment. I was looking at Justin, not believing how caring he was being. He didn't have to help me with this, it made me question what his intentions with me were. There was a small amount of facial hair growing in on his jawline and above his upper lip. A small birthmark a few centimeters from the right corner of his heart shaped lips that were slightly chapped. His hair was resting against his forehead today and I could tell he just woke up like that, deciding that he didn't feel like styling it. It was messy, and he looked cute, like an unbothered baby.

"You okay?" He asks me and I blink a few times, coming back to reality. I stare into Justin's eyes that seem dangerously close to my own and jump when I feel his warm hands rest on my thighs.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Justin's hands soothingly rub my jean covered legs and I breathe in shakily, looking back at his hands then back up at him, shaking my head.

Being touched isn't something I enjoy. My fathers hands are never loving when they touch my skin. Everyone who has ever touched me has hurt me. So when Justin touches me in such a loving way, it sends shock waves through me. It's a feeling I'm not accustomed to and it's odd, new, unfamiliar. In a way, my body welcomed it but my natural instinct was to escape the situation.

"Nothing, thanks for h-helping me. I should probably get to class." I hop down from the sink on my own, slightly pushing him back so that I could. As soon as I walk out of the bathroom, Justin following me close behind, someone yells loudly to get his attention.

"Yo! JB!" Justins friends call him, walking down the hall. People part ways for them to pass through and I can practically feel their power radiate through the hallway.

"Sup Bieber," Justin bumps shoulders with Ben Tracy, "Who's this?" He asks, his eyes scanning my body. I cross my arms to shield myself from his greedy eyes. The famous Ben Tracy, known for taking advantage of drunken girls. He gives me the shivers as his icy blue eyes don't stop from raking my body from head to toe.

"Just a girl I was dropping off my homework to." Justin turns to me and raises his eyebrows, "what are you still doing here, nerd? Leave."

I look at him, shock clear on my face. My heart drops to my stomach and my words are caught in my throat. I should have known that his act was fake. I was naive to believe that someone like him was good, that someone like him could show interest in me. Tears sting at my eyes as I turn and begin to walk away, bumping into someone, causing my bag to fall off of my shoulder. The tears  finally fall when I hear their laughs ringing in my ears. I didn't want to look back, but something in me made me, like my head wanted me to see what the real Justin Bieber was like. His once hazel eyes looked dark, his slouched laughing body pointed towards me, judging me, making fun of me, humiliating me.

He was never yours, Adabelle.

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