Chapter 15

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"I went and saw Jess!" 

At 6:30 in the morning, those weren't the words I was expecting to hear. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to have to listen to anyone until at least 7 when I showed up for the morning breakfast shift. I wasn't expecting to see Rory till 9 at the Independence Inn for wedding planning. 

"Rory, what the hell do you mean you saw Jess?" I asked her, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Thursday, I skipped school and went to New York," Rory babbled. It explained why I hadn't seen her yesterday. She'd been avoiding me. 

 "How is he?" I found myself asking her without even comprehending what I was saying. 

"He was good. He took me to get a hotdog and then we went to a record store. Why aren't you mad at me?" She complained. 

"Why should I be mad?"

Rory seemed baffled at my response, "I went to New York to see your ex-boyfriend and didn't tell you." 

I shrugged my shoulder and reached behind me to grab my bag and jacket. "I told you about the voicemail and he never rang back so I'm trying to move on. I appreciate you telling me but unless he is coming back to Star's Hollow, I won't let it affect me." 

Rory yawned, "But..." 

I shook my head, "But nothing. I'm going to be late for my shift" - I wasn't but I'd been avoiding the Jess word for a week that I didn't want to go back to that dark place. "I'll see you in a few hours." 


Sookie had made an odd choice of song to walk up the aisle to. It was the sort of song, which I had been blasting to try and get over him. 

"Huh?" Sookie asks us as I press the stop button on the cd player. 

"Sookie, you've got to be kidding," Lorelai insisted voicing all of our opinion. Even Michel's face looked more displeased than normal. 


"You cannot walk down the aisle to that," Lorelai was blatant in her refusal. 


 "It's depressing," Lorelai listed the first obvious reason. 

"It's Ella!"

The second reason, "It's morbid." 

Sookie seemed shaken at all of our dislike, "It's a classic song." 

"A classic song with lyrics about a woman who can't make her relationship work, whose life is filled with emptiness and regret and pain," Lorelai reasoned with Sookie, while Rory made a move for some other CDs. 

"oh, who listens to the lyrics?"Sookie insisted. 

I raised my hand, "As a dancer, Sookie. The lyrics are important they tell a story. Do you want to imprint a depressing song about loosing hope in your relationship upon yours and Jackson's first minutes of marriage? It's not a good look or good blessing." 

Sookie looked a bit taken a back now that two of us were voicing our objections. 

"What are these?" Rory asked showing a mesh cage of discs.

"Those are some alternative songs, but I liked this one the best," Sookie was still trying to stick to her guns. 

Lorelai dashed for the discs, "Alternative songs? Good. Let's see. Hey Jude?"

"Paul wrote it for Julian to cheer him up," Sookie tried to romanticize the song. 

"Seasons in the sun?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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