Chapter 1

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Bailey was a normal 24 year old girl. She's created who life's success. Bailey is a journalist who loves to write her very enjoyable stories. But let's see how her past went in high school.....

"Omigosh! Jennifer! You're such a nerd. How pathetic!" Bailey laughed.
Jennifer dropped her books and Bailey offered to carry it for but instead slams it in her face which causes who to trip and falls out the window that was 4 stories down unfortunately. Nobody really cared. They all just laughed hysterically.
"I didn't know Jennifer was a loser AND was clumsy!" Bailey teased.
Everybody laughed even harder at Bailey's joke and just left there Jennifer to die. Jennifer was wounded and their was blood dripping down her face.
"Help! Please! Someone help me!" She cried.
Jennifer fell into a coma. But then she was announced dead 5 days later. No one really knew and ignored the announcement. Although, Bailey knew but she just rolled her eyes at the sound of news like that. "Good," she was fond of saying. But most people would think that's cruel. And it was.

Back to Present: It was 12:00pm and Bailey was still awake writing another story for her journalism project. She was finally done and it was time for her to go to sleep. Bailey stretched her arms in the air and yawned. She was exhausted as usual. Bailey went to bed and turned off all the lights in the house. But didn't realize that would be the time her first HAUNT would start.
As the lights turned off Bailey heard footsteps leading into her room but ignored it.
"Baileeeey!!! I'm coming for yoooooou!!! Baileeeey!!! I'm coming for yoooou!" A voice echoed.
Again, Bailey ignored the loud echoe.
"Baileeeeey!!!" The voice started to get angry.
Finally, Bailey woke to find her house peacefully quiet. No one was there. Just her.
"Who's there?" Bailey called out. No one answered.
She went back to sleep. Bailey was not scared or curious. As usual, she didn't care.
Then Bailey felt someone laying next to her on the bed. She looked behind but saw nothing. Bailey thought it was the teenagers playing pranks next door.
"Baileeeeeey!!!! Wake uuuuuup!!!" The voice said.
Bailey cooperated and woke up. Bailey never listens or obeys to anyone. So why did she do this?
"Yes, master," Bailey replied.
The voice cackled. "Oh, nevermind. Goodnight, Bailey," the voice said.
Bailey fell back to sleep and had a nightmare of Jennifer rising from the dead and killing her.


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