Chapter 2

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In the morning, Bailey was not afraid of her dream but she was suspicious. Usually, most dreams or nightmares have a message that's meaning something. Supposedly, this nightmare was a warning. Bailey wondered how she could find out what this warning meant. She was ready to crack the case. Okay. Maybe she wasn't ready but she FELT confident and ready for anything.
Suddenly, Bailey got an unknown call. Bailey didn't answer, thinking that answering unknown calls will end up to a bad situation, and she was definitely right! But then the same unknown caller called again. Bailey rolled her eyes at this kind of behavior. Again, she didn't answer. Then the caller called again. Bailey groaned and thought it must've been pretty important so she answered it.
"Ugh! Hello! Who is this?" Bailey asked in annoyance.
The person at the other end of the phone just cackled evilly. "Oh, Baileeeeey! Beware what's around you! I'll get my revenge!" The voice said.
"Who are you?! What are you talking about? Answer me now, idiot!" Bailey demanded, but the caller just hung up."Stupid people."
This time, Bailey got a call from her boss, telling her to meet him their at 12:30am sharp. Bailey obeyed for real this time because this was her boss she could get fired if she didn't cooperate with him.
Bailey got dressed in her usual professional outfit. A pink dress, a black coat, her black heels, and her pearl necklace. She had brought usual brief case with her that was filled with documents and folders.
When Bailey arrived right on time her boss was there waiting for her in his office. Bailey sat down on black chair across his wooden desk. Her boss was one of the richest people on the planet and owned the company.
"Mr. Miller, I'm here!" Bailey said.
Miller chuckled. "Please, Bailey! Call me Carl!"
"Okay, Carl," Bailey said.
"Anyway, I called you here Bailey because I have some disturbing news," Carl explained.
"Really? What is it?" Bailey asked
"I'm retiring and I want you to take my place of the company. Consider it a promotion, " Carl announced.
Bailey gasped. She was shocked and honered at the smae time. "How fantastic!" Bailey cheered.
"Yes, indeed. It's very fantastic!" Carl agreed.
Bailey was jumping up and down like a child on Christmas morning. Yes, she was that excited. Bailey hugged Carl and thanked him for the great opportunity. She really didn't know what to say. This was the biggest promotion given to anyone at the company. Bailey was about to become of the few richest people in the world. She rushed to the elevator and gave her boss a huge smile and went to a different floor of the building. Really, Bailey hated her boss but pretended to adore him.


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