A Familiar Unfamiliar voice

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*Y/u/n has joined the server*

Tommy pov:
What the hell!?!?!? (Who the F*ck is this!?!?)

Dream pov:
What!? (I never added this person to to smp, how did they get in!?)

Everyone else pov: What/Wtf/How/Who is this!?!?

Tommy pov: (Well I don't give a s**t it's probably just someone that dream added to help him).

(I've been walking around the forest looking for ghostbur since the exile and I have only taken two rest breaks and I'm tired of walking)

(Ughhhh when am I ever going to find him..... I wonder what Tubbo is doing right now...... NO!!! Stop it Tommyinnit get a hold of yourself he just exiled you your supposed best friend......)

*Y/u/n has teleported to Tommyinnit*

(Well you don't need him you just need t-) Hey!!! What the hell mate!?! Who TF are you!?!

Unknown:shhh shut up he'll hear you


Unknown: Dream!!!!


Unknown: Come with me I'll take you to a safe place

Tommy:And why should I trust you I don't even know you!!

Unknown:Well I know you very well and if you don't come with me then trust me you will surely be manipulated by dream until the day you die by his hands


Dream:Hello is someone there?

Unknown:Quick come with me

(I don't know who this girl is but for some reason I feel a calming presence when I'm near her and something is telling me to trust her.)....Ok.

Unknown: Good now come on.

(I don't know what I just got myself into but I have a feeling that life is about to get much more interesting.)

Alright that's it for chapter one I hope you like it and please comment on who you want to see join forces with the dianamic duo here. Love u my Gremlins ❤️ see u next chapter.

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