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I slowly opened my eyes as all the memories from yesterday come back to me. "ugh" i groan. "another day in this hell hole." I know we havent been here for long, but the days go by so slowly. 

I look beside me, expecting to see Johnny, but he wasnt there. I stand up and crack my back. I start toward the back door, hoping to see Johnny smoking. I open the door and see him staring blankly at the valley below.  "Hey johnnycake." I say in a  hoarse voice, making him snap from his daze.

He turns his head toward me. "hey pony." He says shyly.

I close the door behind me and sit beside him. He looks back at the valley and takes a long drag off his cigarette.  "you alright?"

He blows a few smoke rings before answering. "im...fine."

I light my own cigarette and put my arm around him. He leans closer to me and his head on my shoulder.  I smile slightly and lean my head onto his.

I like being this close to him, i dont know why. Maybe because he's all i have right now.

"how long you think well be here." He says as i take a drag off my cigarette.

"i dont know.."

He burns out his cigarette. We sit in comfortable silence while i finish mine. 

I burn out my cigarette and toss it. "Ready to go inside?" I lightly rub his arm.

He sighs. "Mhm."

I stand up and reach my hand down to help him up. He smiles and grabs my hand. I lift him up and he stands really close to me. Not on purpose though. Johnny laughs at how close our feet are and looks up into my eyes. I watch as his eyes switch between both of mine. Suddenly, i feel my face get warm. I clear my throat. "Man, youre short." i laugh.

"oh shut up." He laughs again. 

Then i realize that i had my hands in his waist. I look away awkwardly as i shove my fists in my pockets. He goes back into the church. Put my hand on my cheek, its really warm. But why?

"ya comin' ?" He says, peeking through the door.

"uh, yeah." I walk inside.

"whaddya wanna do?" He says, putting wood into the furnace.

I shrug. "theres really not much to do." I sit on one of the benches.

"How 'bout you read to me." He gives a lopsided smile. "i like listening to you read."

"sure." I grab the book off the ground and pat the spot next to me for him to sit.

He moves close to me, making my face go hot again, and he lays his head on my shoulder again. I turn to the page that we left off on and started to read.

~A Few Chapters later~

I sigh setting down the book. "good place to stop for the day?"

Johnny nods. He stands up and stretches his arms. "Wanna go smoke?"

"sure." He grabs my hand and pulls me outside.

We both light our cigarettes and i take a long drag. "ya know, you look real good with blonde hair."

"Really?" I look at him.

 He looks at his feet. "mhm. I think you should keep it that way."

"well we dont have enough money to go get my hair bleached every month."

"just do it at home and i can come over and cut it for ya." He looks at me with a smile.

"johnny, i dont trust you anywhere near my hair after yesterday."

"what do you mean?" he laughs. "I did so good!"

"Its all different lengths."

"you wouldnt sit still."

"You were pullin to hard."

"Hey, and youre lucky that none of your hair fell out. I heard of girls who bleached their hair at home and it fell out." 

I laugh.

"All your long luxurious locks couldve fallen out." He ruffles my hair. 

"It feels like it did. You cant even tell i have hair because its so short."

"Ponyboy, stop bein so over dramatic. You look just as good as you did before, if not better."

"No i dont Johnny.."

"yeah ya do." He smirks. "You'd look good with any hair cut. Short, long, brown, blonde. I couldnt."

"oh johnny, you could. you would always find a way to look good. Each day better than the last. Even when youre all dirty, like now, you look good."

He looks away and bites his lip.

"whats wrong?"

"youre too young to understand." He faces me again and looks deep into my eyes. "But, golly pony. Your eyes sure are pretty."

My face turns red. I finish off my cigarette and burn it out. "Gee, johnny, youre full of compliments today arent ya?"

"i guess so." He winks. He blows some smoke rings and puts out his cigarette.

we both go inside to play a few rounds of poker.

~a couple hours later~

"How you keep winnin, johnnycake?"

"im just that good."

"im gonna go smoke." I laugh and go sit on the back step.  Soon after i light my cigarette, johnny comes out and sits beside me. "you gonna have one?" i ask.

"No, i dont wanna get sick."

I laugh again. "i told you, im not gonna get sick."

"yeah. You say that now."

I sigh.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Yeah.. just bored."

"I know."

I finish my cigarette and we both go inside. I lay down on a bench. "UGH!" I groan jokingly. "I'm SO bored."

"Me too." He giggles.

There's something about his laugh that makes me happy.

"Hey johnny?" I look at him at the bench infront of me.


"Have you ever kissed somebody?"

(964 words)

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