Chapter 6

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The photo above is Gino, I think this photo and next chapters photo really describe Gino as a person>>>>>>>>>>

The next week flies by for Josh. He spent that entire weekend with Chloe and then once school started, days went by even faster.

Kendall upped her game with the flirting, not even trying to hide it anymore. She'd hang around his locker as much as she could. At lunch, she'd sit across the table and run her feet along his legs. In the classes they shared together, she would pass notes his way and whisper in his ear.
Josh didn't mind one bit.

And you can bet that Chloe noticed these things and she upped her game as well. She barely let him out of her sight this week. She'd walk to his locker with him because she knew Kendall would be waiting for him there.

She'd see what Kendall was doing at lunch and would sit on his lap instead of next to him. And man oh man did they kiss a lot this week.

I mean, they always do, but this week was particularly R-rated rather than the typical PG-13.

Everywhere, and I mean everywhere, they went, they made out. In the hallway, at their lockers, in the cafeteria, in the library, in the classes they had together. That is if they bothered to go to their classes.

Chloe needed to make sure Josh had as little contact with Kendall as possible, meaning that she'd get him to skip the classes he shared with Kendall to go to the janitor's closet instead.

Once again, Josh didn't mind one bit.
Chloe thought that if she kissed him a little more, dressed a little sluttier, skipped a few more classes with him, she'd be able to prevent anything from happening.
But Chloe working harder only made Kendall work harder, which only made Josh want her more.

So in theory, Chloe caused Josh to send Kendall that text telling her to meet him in the janitor's closet before school that Friday.


"I knew you'd come around," Kendall says with a smirk as she enters the janitor's closet on the first floor of the main building. Josh wastes no time upon her arrival, wrapping his arm around her way too skinny waist, exposed by the tiny cheerleading uniform she's wearing since it's Friday, game day.

He pushes his lips onto hers before she gets the chance to say anything else, before he gets the chance to change his mind. He wishes he had waited to kiss her for just a moment longer, because then he would've walked out. He would've realized it's a mistake that won't be work it in the long run.

But he did it and it's too late to turn back now.

Kendall jumps up, wrapping her legs around Josh's waist and her arms around the back of his neck.

She removes her lips from his and pushes them onto neck instead, sucking on the skin until he redirects her back to his mouth. He can't let her give him a hickey. There can be no evidence that this ever happened.


Kendall arrives in her first period class, the only one she shares with Chloe, with just under ten minutes remaining in the period.

"Nice of you to join us Kendall," the teacher, Ms. Conrad, announces as she takes her seat in her desk that coincidentally is next to Chloe's.

Chloe looks over at Kendall as she sits down, noticing how her skirt is askew and her usually perfect ponytail is not looking too perfect today, with strands sticking out in a all directions and it relocated to down lower on her head and more to the side.

Chloe gulps before looking back down at her phone on her desk, not even attempting to hide it. Ms. Conrad is just happy that Chloe showed up to class on time.  She's not going to push her luck by requesting she put her phone away.

She's been texting Josh all morning trying to figure out where he is. She hasn't seen him, nobody has. You and I both know that this isn't true, but poor Chloe doesn't.
He hasn't replied to any of her texts, he hasn't even opened them.

So as Chloe looks over at Kendall, redoing her chestnut hair into a better ponytail, she can't help but feel nervous.


So yea, Josh is like a big fat hairy cheater and poor Chloe has suspicions about what happened and Kendalls probably all like "ha, that was good and that was easy"

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