Chapter 11

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Picture above is Chloes car>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Chloe!" Josh cries as soon as she walks out of the school and into the parking lot after arriving back from the game. "Chloe, I'm an idiot. I'm a total idiot and a dick and I'm sorry."
Chloe rolls her eyes at him. "You are an idiot and you are a dick. You're also a liar and a cheater. But you're not sorry. I know that you're not." She practically spits out her words, making sure they sting him in every way possible.
"I am sorry. I am more sorry than I ever have been before in my life. This is the biggest mistake I've ever made and I just want to make it up to you." He's got sad puppy dog eyes going on and those eyes would make any girl's heart melt, but not Chloe's. Not anymore. She feels stone cold right now and she feels nothing but pain. It's like a knife was stabbed into her gut and with every word he says, it's twisted a little bit more.
"You can't make it up to me." She tugs the black varsity jacket off of her body and drops it into Josh's hands. "This is yours."
He shoves it back towards her. "I don't want anyone else to wear it but you."
"Why don't you try giving it to Kendall?" Chloe hisses. She turns to continue walking towards her car, parked just a few yards away but Josh steps in front of her, blocking the path.
"Please, babe, don't do this," Josh begs. "I need you. I need you more than I need air to breathe or water to drink."

"Maybe you should've thought of that before you decided to shove your tongue down Kendall's throat. You did this entirely to yourself."

She storms off, leaving Josh behind, calling out her name as if the simple five letter word will reverse everything that has happened today and make it go away. Hoping that it will somehow make things alright between them.

Chloe slips into the driver's seat of her Volkswagen, turning the key in the ignition and buckling her seat belt before she even closes the door. All she wants is to get out of this place and get home, with a quick trip to her favorite liquor store on the way.

"Hey!" Maddie chirps, appearing next to the open door.

"I was wondering if you wanted me to come over tonight to hang out. In case you, you know, want to talk some more."

"Thanks for the offer but I just want to be alone." Not exactly the truth. She just wants to be with Josh, curling up underneath her covers with his body heat keeping her warm. But that's not going to be happening, so alone is the next best option.

"Oh. Okay." Maddie looks confused at her friend's request because she can't understand why she'd want to be alone tonight, but she has to honor it.

"Just text me if you need me for any reason."Chloe gives her a tight smile.

"Have fun with Gino tonight"


Yes i know another shorter chapter....
Whos ready for the Maddie and Gino issues?????

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