nine (the one abused)

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the land meets the sea
chapter nine - i'm not ok

the land meets the seachapter nine - i'm not ok

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trigger warning: abusive content ahead


"He came back home early. He saw the cast, the crutches, and a police escort. He acted really nice to them like he usually does; he listened to what they had to say." Ruby sat there, reliving and explaining what had happened. She sat in the chair next to his wheeled one.

She couldn't keep it to herself anymore. Especially with what he had done this time. So what better to tell someone who couldn't tell anyone else at all.

"As soon as he closed the door though, he swung at me. I stumbled back, he pushed me down and wouldn't stop." With tears in her eyes she revisited only two nights before. She knew he was listening to; she could feel his anger radiating from him. It was slowly becoming stronger.

"He picked me up by the hair, and threw me down the stairs. I hit the door really hard and I could feel the blood dripping down the back of me head. He screamed at me ' Open it!'. I fell in as soon as it opened." She had tears streaming down her face, and sweat formulating on her forehead. She could feel her uncle's anger, and it was powerful.

She explained what had occurred while playing with her flannel. No longer caring about how wet her face and clothing had become.


He pinned her to the ground, both of her hands beside her head. His legs on top of hers to keep her down. She was sobbing, scared of what he was capable of.

"Shh shh shh, it'll all be ok baby. Ok? You'll thank me for this when you realize that it's good for you." He spoke in a sickly sweet voice. She was squirming now. Know just what he was going to do.

"Daddy no! No, daddy please! Please daddy don't do this to me. Please daddy I'm scared!" He slowly caressed her cheek continuing his unhelpful reassurance.

He raised his fist. She braised herself for the impact. It came twice. Blood trickled down her nose. No longer conscious, just the way he liked to commit his sinful actions.

He stripped her of her clothing. Admiring his creation. He knew such trauma would delay the transition. He thought if it worked for Jasper then it would work for Ruby as well. Unaware that Jasper had already discovered their supernatural bloodline.

She woke up hours after it had been done. She was cold, freezing actually. She looked down at herself and saw that her undergarments had been lazily reapplied. She took a quick look at her surroundings, and saw her clothes in a pile. Next to it, a used and filled condom tied at the end to stop any from spilling out.

She knew why he left it their. Why he didnt bother throwing it out. He wanted her to remember. He wanted her to remember, to relive, to know just what he had done. She turned on her back after grabbing her clothes. She sobbed as she put them on, and continued to sob as she played there, doing exactly what he wanted her to do.


"I don't know what to do anymore." She sobbed. "I can't go back there but I don't have anywhere else to go. No one I know will understand. They'll all just tell me to go to the cops but I can't."

She was now sobbing and sweating. So much anger engulfed her, but only a sliver of it was her own. The rest was her uncles.

"But the worst part about it, is that I still care about him. He's my dad. My mom's never around anymore, Jasper's always working, and I make sure that Amethyst is never around so she doesn't get hurt. It'll just be him and I. Alone. Everyday after school." She heard foot steps and so she quickly wiped her face and kept her head down.

"Miss, I'm sorry but visiting hours are over. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. But lucky for you, I like you so I'll give you an extra five minutes to say goodbye Ruby." The nurse said to her out of pity.

"Thanks Jen, but I think I'll just go now. I'm already nearing curfew." She raced out of the room and out of the hospital as quick as she could. She snuck back into the house threw her bedroom window. Amethyst already their to help her in. Jasper as well.

She lifted her head to reveal the makeup she was using to cover up almost all gone. A bruised cheek, and few cuts on her lip, a bruised neck, and no more hope left in her eyes.

Jasper knew as soon as he saw her. He leaped up and tacked her in a bear hug. All three of them slept there that night. Just being there for each other was enough to keep them sane. But staying sane was the hardest task of them all.

I want to cry now... that's all. I just want to sob my eyes out. But as always, if no one has told you yet, I love you! Bye!

 But as always, if no one has told you yet, I love you! Bye!

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The Land Meets The Sea ࿐ Isaac Lahey (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now