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We were currently eating with people staring and gossiping about us. I thought this was a no gossip zone? Didn't I make sure of that?

We'll, you can't control people's tongue.

"I didn't know I would taste dinuguan again! But this still won't make me work here,"he ensured me. I smiled, at least he was eating his fill.

"Ah, why does your father have a different name? Scott and yours is Vance,"I asked before I almost forgot and maybe found out later on.

"He is my real father and wants to be called by his mothers last name. He cherished her so much so he changed it,"he answered making me relieved. I thought he was a step father who he hates.

"Since, we're done eating...shall we go to the park?"I suggested and he nodded as he fixed our trays and out it in the bin.

We walked there silently arm in arm so no one would be suspicious of our relationship if we held hands.

"This is your park? What kind of gamin company is this?"he asked amazed as he looked at the view. My father hired a professional gardener to let everything look nice for the employees to enjoy their rest time.

We sat down on the bench and breathe in the cool air.

"I'm going to count this as my second date,"he started making me smile.

"Sure, why not? So about you working sure you won't accept it? Your designs are flawless-for now but your talent should not be wasted,"I told him since that's what I brought him here for.

"Nice way to ruin the moment but nope, I love my job and that job led me to you,"he replied making me look at him and my mind gave me and idea.

"I know! What if you can still work as a loan shark and artists at the same tine!?"I suggested and looked at me curiously telling me to continue.

"You can stay at your place to work and if you have time, you can send in character designs for the games we will produce!"I continued as I held his arm.

"Sounds good to me. As long as I can see you,"he said winking at me making me blush.

"Oh, what do we have here?" Oh no. Why is he here? My phone started ringing and I answered it. On the other line, it was Maria saying I have a date with Carlito. Oh no.

"Carlito! Sorry if I forgot about our uhm, date but I have to give a tour to Mr. Vance so he can be interested in working with me,"I said because this man can be scary when he is mad. That's what I heard.

"Mr. Vance, I'll talk to you later with your father. Sorry if I have to cut our tour here,"I apologized and he nodded making me smile. Thank goodness he understands.

I got up from my seat and asked him to lead the way. "You can ask my assistant Maria for my contact information,"I told Ford so Carlito won't be suspicious of the two of us.

He lead me to the nearest cafe which was just a five minute walk from the company.

He ordered as I look for a place to sit. I waved so he can see me.

"He looks like a fine young man,"he started making me worried but of course, I have to show him that, that was my first time meeting him.

"Yes, he is. He has skills for the job too,"I replied and I could see in his face that he was surprised by my answer. I think be was expecting me to deny it and rage.

Our drink came quickly alongside a slice of strawberry cake.

"I ordered you a slice of cake and knowing that you like strawberries, I chose it,"he said and took a sip of his coffee.

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