Nothing is True

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Finally, the school year is coming to a close! Luckily since I took nothing but a smattering of second year courses this term my load wasn't too heavy for my finish. Unlike for some students who learn to dread the middle to end of April that just began at the beginning of the week.

"Do you really have nothing better to do than bother him all day long?" Bryony asks as she stops at the end of the rack of books that Emmett is currently working on. She definitely has a crush on him, the jealousy is practically rolling off of her in waves. Not that I can blame her. Emmett is certainly attractive. He also hits the kind and funny ticks that most girls swoon over. Not to mention that there was a time when I once felt that way about him... But not so much anymore. I look over at him putting books into the shelves, purposefully not looking away from it for a minute.

"Bry, I'm still getting all my work done in a more than timely manner. Plus, Mathias likes having her around too." Emmett replies calmly without looking away from his task. Usually this isn't what he would do but with so many students cramming for exams and frantically finishing up term papers, they can barely keep up with all the books that need to be re-shelved. Such is life at a university as April passes by. Luckily for me I got my two final exams done back-to-back and now that I have handed in my term papers, I have nothing to worry about. School year? Done!

"True story. Can confirm." Comes from a stack a few rows away. Bryony glares in the direction of the voice before shooting the daggers at me.

"Tsk." She stalks away, clomping her heeled shoes on the hollow sounding floor all the way to the front desk.

"You know she is crushing hard on you, right?" I lean on the stack next to where he is sliding over some books to make room for more.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah, she was talking about it before class a couple of weeks back... Had all the other girls practically turning green when she said she scored the part time job in the library with you so near." He gives a confused look, "Don't tell me you don't know that at least half the female population of the university only comes here to catch a glimpse of you. Because if you say that, I'm not believing you."

"Well, I don't think it's that many girls..." He goes to the cart and rolls it to the end of the aisle, then Mathias comes by with his own cart, now empty, to get a new full cart from the front desk.

"Nope. It's definitely at least that many girls. They practically swoon every time you turn their way." Mathias says before moving on, Emmett raises his arms in a 'Come on!' way at Mathias' back.

"Face the facts. You are the resident hottie librarian. We might as well start calling you 'Evie.' You're just less clumsy than she is... Unless you actually have destroyed a library and that's why you had to start a new job here." He laughs at my comment as we go around the next rack for Emmett to put the last row of books in their home.

"And what about you, oh inconvenient loiterer? Are you immune to my charms then?" He reaches over my shoulder to put a book on the shelf behind me, I look up at his face, "And what about your café beau? What was his name? Brett?" Admittedly, when I first started working at that café in my second year of university. I mostly definitely had a bit of a crush on Brett... But about half a year after I started at the café, he got a girlfriend who he ended up staying with until the summer I went to Italy with Venus. And for me, if someone is in a relationship, I find them somehow less attractive, I guess its because if I had any hope of being with them, it would have happened before.

"I've just had more time to acclimate to you. These poor girls basically get blindsided by your charms. I had the fortune of growing up with you nearby, I have gained a natural resistance to them." Or so I thought... He turns back to his cart and the other rack to return the books. "And as for Brett, he has been spoken for a long time. When I first started working at the café, I certainly fell for his charms though. Plus, I've... Changed since I was hired at the café."

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