UPDATE!!! 2021/2022!!

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Hey, Y'all!! 

I hope you all had a great year and an even better end of the year with Christmas and now NEW YEARS COMING!!!! 

So excited for so many new things coming. 

I wanted to let you all know I haven't forgotten about the books. I have just been dealing with so much stress in my own life and trying to come back up from a recent divorce, and a new job, all while trying to create a business. 

it sounds pretty wow and ahh but in reality its the hardest thing i had to deal with in my life at the age of 40. so. 

I have not forgotten I love these books and that you all love them right along with me. 

I haven't really come up with how I want to end this book and perhaps why i put it off for so long. but its not fair to you all to wait so so long for new chapters. SO I hope you will forgive my absence and work with me on the process this is taking. 

I have my down days where I still feel all the emotions I have and can't find even words for my own life, let alone a book. but I am learning to using what I feel to empower my writing. I hope that I will be back at this in full process in a few weeks. I am just trying to balance it all out so it works on all levels. 

Thank you for your love and devotion!! my books wouldn't of gone as far if you didn't love reading them with me. SO THANK YOU !!! from the bottom of my HEART. 

may you all be safe, happy and blessed with so many new things in this coming year.. 

HERE IS TO 2022 being FREAKING AMAZING.. love you all 

Maria C. G

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