Ch 90

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The past rushed through my mind, The time we had once passed through my memories. I rushed down the halls with Peter and Victor behind me we had to get there before anything else could happen.

The very shock that Simoes was the one who had found her, Alive none the less only made me cringe. what did she even think about what I had done keeping something like this from her? She nodded at me saying she was forgiving me but I knew it would take more than from me than saying I was sorry to truly get her to know that I was.

My mind wandered back to my legs caring me faster towards the guest suites of the castle. Her scent filling the air as we closed the distance to her.

I wanted to see her, I had to and I knew Peter and Victor did too.

We pressed even faster closing in on the guest-chamber Simoes's mother was resting in.

"Nick, do you think he knows" Peter linked us

"no, but I don't know for how long that will last" I linked back just as we reached the doors to the east wing guards still standing guard a reassuring sign thus far.

bowing their heads before pushing open the two massive large doors behind them, letting us in.

My lords" Ellen called standing to her full height, she wasn't a short woman standing 5′11".

"Ellen where is she," I asked to look around the room not finding who I was in search of.

"my lord she is in the bath" ellen announced

"alone" I hissed

"Yes, my lord there are no windows or any other ways to get out I checked" she answered feeling confident.

"Simoes, father has escaped" I linked her knowing that she should hear but not link back.

"what, my lord how," she asked grabbing at her sword standing ready.

"I don't know yet, but we also don't know if he knows of our guest, go get her please" I demanded

quickly she nodded and turned to reach the bath just as Simoes's mother opened the door and stepped out wrapped in a towel, hair up in another.

She gasped as our eyes widen to the very look of her, the vampire change made everyone better looking but this woman just surpassed all unnatural beauty, except for Simoes she was the second most beautiful woman I had laid eyes on in a very long time.

"NICOLAE" her voice still as sweet as ever whenever she said our names.

the rush of an old memory flooded my mind, how she was always surprised to see me suddenly appear before her in the manor. I smiled chuckling a bit.

"yes Claire, it's been a long time," I said

++++++++(okay y'all I seriously forgot Simoes mom's name haha so for the rest of the story it is Claire, but if any of you remember it drop me a note and I will correct it) +++++++++

She didn't say anything her stair just reaching out past me, the surprise on her face that we were even in the same room.

"Clair, are you alright," I asked again Peter and Victor standing next to me giving her the same look in return.

"you.. you are all here," she said staggering a little as Ellen caught her and helped her to the bed.

"I'll fetch your robe, Clair," Ellen said grabbing it and returning quickly.

"How are you even alive," Victor asked

"I.. I don't really know I had planned it to be different but.. but.. Cyrus" her words cut like blades.

FORBIDDENTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon