Chapter 2.

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Regina couldn't take her mind off of Miss swan.

Why was she here?

Why now?


So many questions she'd asked herself. And time and time again. No Answer.

Henry had already been asleep by the time Regina returned upstairs.

She hadn't even tucked him in.

Something his irresponsible ' mother ' wouldn't even think of.

Regina scoffed to herself. Not only being anger at the situation at bay.

Emma was totally eye fucking Regina.

And she noticed it, but chose not to say anything.

Regina was straight. Straight as a line.

She liked men.

But there was just something about that damn Emma Swan.

Her red leather jacket that Regina would pretend to hate. She loved the way it looked on Emma.

6months Later.

" HENRY??!? " Emma shouted from downstairs of the mayor's mansion.

" Miss Swan no yelling in my house and i thought you knew that. "

Emma hadn't responded to Regina. It was all nonsense anyway.

For the last few weeks Emma felt the tension rising in Regina, She just didn't know how to provoke her without her getting defensive.

So she kept quite.

Regina wanted Emma.


But will never admit it, so she'd rather act like she hates her.

The past 5months have been great though. Emma continued to see Henry which meant seeing the mayor as well.

And Emma had no problem with that.

She loved to look at Regina, Especially when she was smiling.

That was rarely though, unless Henry said something.

Emma never made her laugh. I guess she just wasn't amusing to the mayor.

Later that night, Regina invited Emma over for dinner with Herself and Henry.

Emma of course agreed.

' 7;30 Sharp. '

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