Part 2

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I decided to skip school and go to my favourite place, my mother's grave. I booked a bus ticket and off I went I hope flash is hurt really badly I thought to myself I stared out the window and trailed into thoughts until I finally reached my destination I got off the bus thanked the driver and walked to my mums tombstone. Little did I know someone else would be there mourning their loved one I didn't dare talk just in case I ruined her moment she seemed sad. But instead she spoke to me.. "hey kid you alright? I'm Yelena by the way." She said "yes I'm fine thank you I'm y/n" I said shyly she then reached her hand to mine to shake hands I accepted we sat there in silence but then I spoke " who are you mourning, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked politely " my sister Natasha what about you?" She said pausing before asking me "my mother." I said staring out to the great nothing "I'm sorry about that love how'd she die if you don't mind telling me" she asked I paused "I-I It was my dad h-he killed her" I stuttered "I'm sorry love" she said while pulling me into a hug "hey shouldn't u be in school?" She asked " funny story" I say with a weak chuckle I then told her everything that happened today and for some reason I don't know why but she made me feel happy.

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