CHAPTER 2: PART 2 - The False Prophet And His Gospel Of Dismay

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The Voice Of Susie Campbell

It may only be my second month working for Joey Drew, but I can already tell I'm going to love it here!

People seem to really enjoy my Edgar voice. Sammy says that he might be as popular as Charley some day.

These past few weeks I have voiced everything, from talking chairs to dancing chickens. 

But this is the first character I have really felt a connection with. 

Like he's a part of me.

Edgar and I, we are going places.


"There we go...don't want you escaping, now do we?"

Henry woke up to the figure from before staring right at him. He was tied to a post and noticed a ritual marking beneath his feet.

"Good morning, my little sheep." The voice..the voice was haunting to him, it had notes of insanity. 

"Who--!!" Henry tried to speak, but the figure put a finger to his lips, the bitterness leaking into his mouth a bit.

"Shhh shh, don't struggle, my sacrificial lamb. Soon, He will come, and free me from...this....PRISON! This INKY FORM!" The inky figure made motions with his hands as he spoke.

"Hmm, you someone I knew before..., no, not important now. 

Now, little sheep, we must sacrifice you to Him...."

"Sammy" left the room, and the intercoms buzzed to life, his haunting voice flowing through them. 

"Sheep sheep sheep, it's time for sleep....

It's time for bed, rest your head.

In the morning, you may wake.

Or in the morning, you'll be dead...."

All of a sudden, he heard the prophet screeching.


He heard the 'voice' of "Charley" make a horrid noise, and the sound of a body slamming against a wall rung out through the speakers, then fizzled out with a static noise. 

"Oh great, time to get out again." 

He grabbed an axe laying next to him, hacking away at the ink monsters blocking the way.

Henry took one step into the ink corridor, and the ink creature popped up, making a horrible screech. 

He broke into a sprint, running through the ink-filled maze. 

After running for a while, he found a door, and slammed it behind him, using a board of wood to block it.

He creaked the door in front of him open a bit, then carefully stepped through.

A can of bacon soup rolled out from behind the corner. 

"WH- Who's there!? Show yourself!" He exclaimed, jumping a bit. 

The person that stepped out made his heart skip a beat. 

It was Barley, in the flesh; no, the ink, standing before him. Overalls and everything. 

He had a timid look to him, peeking out from the corner.


"...H-Henry??" The cartoon stuttered from his mouth.

Once again, Henry blacked out.

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