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You've only been in initiation for about three days before you decide you hate Eric Coulter. It's not like it was a difficult decision to make- the guy is impossible to deal with. You joined Dauntless because you wanted to feel powerful; now you see that the training just made him cruel. He seems to take special joy in driving initiates down into the dirt, which has only served to make you work twice as hard. It's like by succeeding and forcing your name higher and higher on that list of initiates, it's an insult to him.

Your arms are folded across your chest as you watch him tear some initiate to shreds. Only with his words, of course, although you can tell that Eric is eying the guy with a want for blood. You've no doubt the victim messed up somehow, but whatever it was he did, it doesn't deserve this verbal lashing.

You glance over at your friends Tris and Christina, noting with a grin that they've got your same disgusted look reflected on their faces. "At this point, I'm thinking he joined Dauntless just for a chance to beat up anyone he could." Tris chuckles. "I wouldn't be surprised. Could you imagine him in a desk job?"

You laugh at that, turning to face her. "It makes no sense, though. For all that, the guy's just talk. I heard that Four did better than him in training, but you wouldn't know it from the way Eric struts around." Christina's got a gleam of urgency in her eyes, but you can't quite figure out what she's trying to tell you. "You'd think he'd have a little bit of modesty, but I suppose that could never happen."

There's a low voice from behind you, and you feel yourself stiffen up the second you hear it. "And why would that be?" You turn around to see Eric, and finally understand Christina's warning. However, you've dealt with Eric Coulter before, and you know that the worst thing you can do is show any signs of weakness. So, you straighten up, looking him dead in the eyes as if you're just having a friendly chat about the weather.

"It could never happen because you'd never let us forget that you got your spot in the Dauntless initiation in the first place. Can't boss around the trainees if they doubt you, right?" Eric raises an eyebrow. "Then why do you have no problem talking back to me?" You pretend to consider this. "Well, wasn't Max talking about how silence is worthless? I'm just following the Dauntless code." Eric stares at you for a second, then holds out a hand, gesturing to the ring behind him.

"Well, if you're such a star pupil, how about you prove it? Surely you're not just talk, right?" Eric calls out for a tall boy named Lukas to take a spot opposite you in the ring. You let your eyes flicker over your opponent, mentally cataloging the strengths and weaknesses of the boy. You can instantly tell why Eric chose Lukas to go against you- he's one of the top initiates right now, and his biceps are about the size of your head. He's got an advantage over you in height, weight, and basically everything that Eric considers important in a fight. That being said, Eric's only looking at physical strength. There's a whole separate aspect of fighting, and that's the mind. That's where you'll win this round.

Eric's looking at you now, expecting you to back down or come up with some excuse to make your way out of this. He's expecting you to not have a death wish and not want to fight Lukas, but you happen to be full of surprises. So, you jump up onto the ring, tossing a cocky grin to Eric like it's a penny to a fountain. "Well, I'm never one to back down from a challenge." Lukas takes a fighting stance, and you settle into one as well.

Eric calls for the fight to begin, but your attention is already off of the tall, razor-tattooed man. Instead, your eyes are locked onto Lukas, taking in the way he shifts in his stance before he attacks. You wait a moment, double-checking your theory, then spring into action. There- the hesitation in his steps, and there's your kick to the legs, throwing him off balance. You lunge forward, flinging his arms over your shoulder and to the ground. His impact hits him hard on the knee, and you can see it give out.

Eric Coulter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now