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Later on that night I was putting Lilly to bed when the phone rang. I overheard Linda say, "Hey, girl! You feelin' any better?" So, I knew it was Gina. After Lilly fell asleep, I walked into the room with Linda to watch television while I ease drop on their conversation.

They didn't talk too long before Gina asked to speak to me. I told her I'll take it in my office as it was probably about business.

"Alright I got it!" I shouted to Linda from my office so she can hang up the other phone. "Hello, Gina? You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine babe." Gina said in a soft but troubled tone. "I'm sorry I left the party like that. I wasn't feeling good."

I replied, "Don't worry about all that sweetheart. Somethin' wrong? You're don't sound like yourself."

There was a long paused broken up occasionally by the sound of silent cries.

"Hello! Gina, tell me what's wrong! Did your daddy or your brothers do somethin' to you!?"

Gina shouted, "No, I'm pregnant!"

For a second, I swore my heart stopped beating and I almost collapsed at the news.

I was sitting there motionless and speechless as I didn't know what to say or what to do. I could hear Gina on the phone still talking and asking if I was still there.

As I reached and grabbed the phone to say "Yes, babe. I'm still here," my office door blasted open. My heart started racing as I jumped behind my desk thinking it was Mr. Carter or his sons. I honestly would have rather them than, who it was. I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes, that it was Linda standing there with the living room phone still in her hand. She was listening the whole time.

Linda picked up the phone and said, "I'm gon deal with you later bitch," then threw the phone at me as hard as she could, hitting me in the arm before charging towards me, attacking me, while cursing and was calling me everything but a child of God.

I ran out the office with Gina still on me, hitting me and ripping my shirt. I was letting her get in her shots in since I felt like I deserved it for what I did to her. After she wore herself out, she started yelling at me about cheating on her with her best friend and rather it was just some ring rat.

We argued more and when I told her how she left me high and dry after the night Erik almost killed me, she screamed out, "To hell with Erik, I'ma kill yo ass!" then ran to get a knife out the kitchen while I ran as fast as I could up the stairs to get my gun. Once I got to the bedroom, I locked the door behind me. She started kicking and banging on it, telling me to open it. I refused so she kicked it until it broke open. She was standing there with a large kitchen knife in her hand, so I cocked my gun.

"Oh what you gon shoot me now?" Linda said while still standing by the door.

I replied, "I don't want to, but if you come at me with that big ass knife I will! If you put it down, I'll put the gun up."

"No go ahead and bet not miss either! That's what you want anyway so you be with that dumb ho Gina. Mike told me about ya'll two and how the whole company be laughing at me. I still didn't wanna believe it. I hope that bitch have a miscarriage!"

"What the fu-? Mike? Mike Carter? When he told you that shit!"

Linda starts laughing hysterically. "Boy, if only knew. Anyway, we're done! You can have that stupid bi-."

"What's wrong, Ma?" All of our fighting and arguing, woke up Lily, whom was now in the hallway.

Linda quickly put the knife behind her back and picked up Lily with her other the arm.

"Oh nothin' baby. I'm alright, me and daddy just playin'."

"Y'all too loud." Lily said in a raspy, sleepy, voice.

Linda laughed, "We are huh? I'm sorry baby. Come on, let's go back to bed."

I just stood there with my gun in hand, trying to understand it all. Everything from Gina being pregnant, the fight with Linda, also finding out that not only Mr. Carter and his sons were after me and my company, he told my wife about me and Gina. I felt drained, overwhelmed and wore out.


sat on my bed for what felt like hours just thinking about everything and trying to figure something out. That's when Linda walked in and sat next to me.

She said, "don't say nothin' I'm not here to argue with you. I take back what I said about Gina having a miscarriage, that baby didn't do nothin' to me. But that ho Gina gonna get hers, I promise you that! And as far as we go, this is as far as we go. It's over. I'm done. You can keep the house, the money, everything. All I want is my baby and for you to fly us back to Louisiana as soon as possible. Until then, we gonna be at a hotel."

I agreed to do as she said, without a word she got up, walked out of the room and out of my life.

Our marriage been dead for awhile now, so I knew she'd leave eventually. Unfortunately, loosing her, cost me to loose my baby girl in process.

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