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I walk into The Dugout to see it was in complete shambles. Windows broken out, gang graffiti, and trash all over the place. It was a complete mess to say the least, along with the ring that was surprisingly still up in the mist of the destroyed warehouse. They were a crowd of people sitting in the stands, and surrounding areas. Next to them on the wall was graffiti of a snake choking out a dog. On top it said, "King Cobras" and below it read, "Dog Killaz." They were all either drinking or smoking weed, while listening to loud N.W.A. blast from a boom box nearby.

A voice from the crowd yelled out, "Look at what the cat dragged in! Or should I say dog?"

He then started walking down the stairs, coming towards me. It's Will.
"Y'all, look at this punk ass, bitch right here." He continued. "I know you remember me. You, and Tex thought y'all was all big and bad last time, huh. You done fucked up now though. Remember what I told you in that hospital?"

Will then pulls out a gun from behind his waist and cocks it. A couple guys he's with start cheering him on to shoot me. However, I'm not afraid and know my God is with me.

I say calmly, "Ain't you a little too old to be playin' gangsta, Will?"

"The fuck you say!?" Will yelled out, then pointed the gun at my head. "I could kill your bitch ass right now!"

I remain silent for a second before quoting scripture saying, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper."

Will stares intently at me while the Cobras continued to tell him to shoot me. Will suddenly smile, and laughs before putting the gun down.

"Ha-ha, boy you a fool! You done grew some nuts while you was gone, huh? Yo, Erik! He here!

I hear the doors to a backroom open, and in walks Erik in the flesh for the first time in many years. I thought he looked big on TV, but in person I could see how massive he really was. I start trying to control my breathing, to keep my heart from pounding out my chest, as he getting closer to me. He stops for second to call my name to see if it's really me and my body jumped at the sound of his deep voice.

I was prepared to die if I had to but decided to do one last plea for forgiveness before it had to come to that. I got down on my knees, started apologizing, and asking for Erik's forgiveness. I could feel the ground shake as he was running towards me.

I'm bracing myself for impact when he picks me up and gives me the tightest hug I've ever had.

"Jay!" Erik said, while still holding me. "Jay! Bro, I missed you like crazy! How you-"


The front doors of The Dugout are busted wide open and Gina and Linda come storming through. Gina's holding my gun, while Linda's holding a steel baseball bat.

"Let him go!" Gina yelled, while pointing my gun at Erik and the Cobras. Some of the King Cobras start to run away, as the other members pull out guns.

"Well damn." Gina says while looking at the guns pointing at her and Linda.

"What y'all doin' here!?" I said while walking up to them.

Linda replies, "We here to rescue your black ass, that's what."

Gina added, "Well that was the plan anyway. I don't know what she expected to do with that bat, but she was determined to bring it."

Linda retorts, "Well you didn't want give me a gun so what choice did I have?"

Gina says "I told you, this the only one I got."

I couldn't help but laugh as the two women start arguing back and forth. Erik makes the Cobras. put their guns down and starts walking towards us.


We all jumped as the doors slam open again. This time walking through was Lillian, holding a water gun with Joseph not far behind her, looking sleepy, rubbing his eyes.

Lily points the water gun at her uncle and says, "Leave my daddy alone!"

"Girl, I told you to stay your bad behind in the car!" Linda says as she picks up Lillian.

"There go a gun right there you want one so bad." Gina said sarcastically as went to pick up Joseph.

Erik raised his hands to Lily saying, "I'm walking up, don't shoot me now."

Erik already knew Linda and Lillian, so I introduce him to my wife Gina, and my son Joseph. He pulls his wallet to us pictures of his kids, whom I still haven't met and told me about his new wife.

After we were done talking and about to leave, Erik pats me on the shoulder and says, "My little brother all grown up. Got kids now, two fine baby mamas. You did good, Jay. I'm happy for you, man."

I fight back my tears but my voice still cracks a bit while saying. "Thank you." I replied. "I'm sorry about everything. I was just desperate to prove myself, and show you and Dad that I wasn't soft and---

"No!" Erik says while cutting me off. "You not soft. You was never weak. Hell, you proved that when Will pulled a gun on you. You're my brother, and I love you and I forgive you."

As we hugged neither of us could fight back our tears any longer and cried like babies in each other arms. Gina would tear up as well. Linda just chuckles at Lillian cheering and saying "yay!" with Joseph repeating her.

Gina and I moved to a small suburban neighborhood outside of Canlington and away from all the trouble that it brought.

Erik was still fully involved in the gang life, so we went our separate ways that day but still kept in touch through the years.

We all have something we wrestle against but sometimes it's more than wrestling. It's about survival, staying true to who are, and being there for those that need you the most, by any means necessary.

So let me ask you, what do you wrestling against?

Thanks for reading!

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