Beautiful flower

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Mikey still wasn't able to walk after the damage of the fall , but it was time for him to get out of the hospital,  after what seemed like an life time he was finally free . Draken , in hopes to make his stay longer decided that it would be better if mikey stayed with him , after all they needed to catch up after all these years,  only if Mikey would talk ofc . Once they got home Draken put the boy to sleep assuming he was tired and needed to rest , meanwhile he got to the store to by some ingredients to cook something for Mikey, he didn't even realize he ran out of food until he got home this noon bc he would spend the days in his bikeshop and would be busy, when he would get home he wouldn't be bothered to eat,  he would just go upstairs in his room and sleep or lay down on his bed , sometimes even crying , he was ashamed of it .
He got everything he needed and ran towards his home in hopes the other one hadn't ran away already. He put the bags down and went to check up on Mikey who was still sleeping in his bed comfortably,  he was kind of relieved in the moment so he stept downstairs to start cooking,  he hoped it turned out good and mikey still loved Dorayaki like he used to , he was really praying to God.

Mikey slowly raised from his sleep to see that it was already evening,  he could feel his stomach growling and he knew that he haven't ate a damn thing , those foods in the hospital sucked and he bearly brought himself to bite anything and swallow it . He made his way downstairs where he was met with a delicious smell that almost made him faint,  he knew what kind of food was and he knew he loved it . As he opened the door of the room he felt like he was alive again,  just that bright toothy smile he got from Draken and every detail made his heart warm up and a smile started forming in his lips, this last one didn't go unnoticed by the taller one who felt like the world had colors again .
"I made Dorayaki , maybe it's not perfect but I still tried,  why don't u try them ?" Draken asked the other while he was placing down the plates in the table .
Mikey quietly sat down grabbing one of the Dorayakis and biting them . "How is it ? " The taller asked the boy with excitement
"It's good...thanks Ken-chin...."
Draken could not explain how happy he was but he just played it off and got up to leave the room , before being stopped by Mikey who grabbed  his shirt to stop him
"Ken-chin.. " He started " Please...sit down...let's eat together..."Mikey spoke quietly hoping for the answer he wanted to hear,  he missed spending time with his best friend more that the other could think of . Draken just sat down beside him and smiled offering the other one to sit aswell so they could enjoy their meal before heading to bed .
They had their first meal together in a long time and things looked like they were going fine .Now it was time to bed and thinking of the fact that there was only one bed and one bedroom since Draken lived alone he thought of sleeping in the sofa /couch  and Mikey in his bed , but the other one didn't listen he insisted that he should be the one sleeping in the bed since he needs rest bc he has work tomorrow plus he has taken care of him all day and he must be tired.  Both being stubborn , ended up sharing the same bad which however wasn't that bad , neither of them were uncomfortable and they enjoyed sharing each other's heat,  which made the room feel a little bit nicer.  While Mikey was fast dozzen off to sleep the other one was just staring blankly at the ceiling thinking about what had happened and what might happen. He couldn't bring himself to imagine the world if Mikey didn't manage to survive, neither could he not get teary eyes when he remembered the past memories of both of them . Looking at Mikey now and then you could say they were 2 completely different people,  one represented a beautiful flower which would always look forward towards hope and life ...but the other was left in the dark , was left alone to die and not survive,  thinking this his heart shattered and he could not help but let a few tears down his cheeks,  not too loud to wake up the other one , who suddenly wrapped his arms around him whispering quietly...

"It's ok Ken-chin ....I promise I'll get better soon , If u want I can start a therapy , I promise I won't leave again...please don't bit yourself up for something that is not your fault..ok? "

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