chapter 17: the journey begins part 2 and a second confession?

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Y/n pov

We were walking through the forest just outside the kingdom, it was getting pretty late so we decided to set up camp for the night

Y/n: ok, that's everything set up, I think you should all head to sleep, I'll stay up for tonight and keep watch

Everyone nodded their head and went to their tents, I went and say on a rock to keep watch and make sure we weren't attacked, After a while I heard a sound behind me, followed by a small "ow" I smirked, as I knew exactly who it was

Hayato pov

I was watching y/n from a tree, I was thinking about a specific thing

Hayato: (should I tell him? What if he's not into boys? Oh what do I do?)

I then hear a snap from beneath me, my eyes widen

Hayato: (Oh no)

The branch I was standing on then breaks causing me to fall and hit the ground

Hayato: ow

Y/n: you know...

I jump slightly as y/n starts talking

Y/n: if you're gonna sneak up on someone you'll have to do better than that, Hayato

I blush as he says that

Hayato: (crap! He knows it's me!)

I then step out of the bushes, still blushing

Hayato: h...hey

Y/n: hey yourself, what are you doing still awake?

I gulp, it was now or never

Hayato: I...wanted to talk to you

He looked at me for a second, then smiled and patted the spot next to him, I went and say down

Y/n: so what did you want to talk about?

Hayato: (here goes nothing) w..well, have you ever had r...romantic feelings for another boy?

He seemed to be thinking

Y/n: well, I never really cared about gender, it's personality I look for in a partner

I was happy for a moment, but then I remembered something

Hayato: what if that boy, was also a demon who tried to kill you a few days earlier?

Y/n pov

I was confused to what he meant

Y/n: what are you...

I gasped

Y/n: are you...

He nods his head

Hayato: I'm in love with you,you're the first person besides other demons to show real kindness to me and my sister, but I know I can't be with you, for starters you're already in a relationship with that catgirl, and secondly, after what we did to you, I don't deserve to be with you

Tears start to come from his eyes, I place my hand on top of his

Y/n: I think we can work something out

I see his eyes widen

Hayato: what do you...

He turns his head to look at me, and I silence him with a kiss

Hayato pov

My eyes widened

Hayato: (h...he's kissing me!)

My head was spinning, but slowly, I melt into and start kissing back, after while he pulls away, he then stands up

Y/n: you should head back to your tent, it's getting late

I grab his sleeve

Hayato: can I stay with you for a while?

He smiles and sits back down

Y/n: sure

I smile and lean my head against his shoulder, and close my eyes

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