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Richard was the first to go, and they would be lying if they said they hadn't seen it coming. Ever since his big Nightwing transition, he had seemed distant, even to Kori, which was surprising because she was always the one he didn't keep anything from. But even she was left in the dark regarding his plans to depart from the team.

The day had started out like any other, though the others could clearly see that there was something on Richard's mind. They couldn't remember the last time he had been so preoccupied.

The boys could easily shrug off Richard's behavior, but Raven knew something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" She asked him, once again catching him in deep thought, as he stared out the large common room window.

Richard turned to her and smiled, quickly disregarding her concern.

"I'm fine." He quickly reassured her, but she was still skeptical. "I was just thinking about supper." He explained, glancing back out the window. "Tell the others I'm going to cook tonight."

Richard spent a lot of time in the kitchen, preparing an extravagant meal of homemade pizza. He even went as far as setting the table, planning for everyone to sit down together and eat as a family.

The others had quietly voiced their suspicions to each other, theorizing as to what Richard would undoubtedly announce at dinner.

There was speculation that he was going to announce that he was changing his uniform again. Or maybe his hero name. Or perhaps he was going to proclaim his love for Kori and finally propose.

But it was none of those things...

Richard glanced around the table as his friends enjoyed their meal. He smiled happily as he watched them laugh and converse with one another. But then his smile faltered, and he knew it was time for his long-awaited announcement.

Richard cleared his throat, getting the attention of his friends, and they all turned to face him as he slowly stood up, forcing a smile as he addressed them.

"I'm sure you all are wondering why I have prepared this dinner. I wanted to celebrate us, a team, a family, and I couldn't ask for a better one." He smiled, glancing around at each of his friends as he spoke. "We have had a great ten years together... But things change." His smile than fell and the others looked at him in concern. "It's been an honor leading you guys, but it's time for me to start a new transition in my life."

"Dick, what are you saying?" Victor questioned, asking what everyone was thinking.

"I'm leaving the Titans." Richard answered.

The table had gone silent, as each one of them gave him a shocked or saddened expression. Some were in complete disbelief at what he was saying, while others weren't surprised at all.

"Is this some sort of joke?" Garfield asked, forcing a light chuckle. But he stopped as Richard shook his head.

Kori suddenly stood up from the table, staring at Richard sternly. But her serious expression quickly broke as she immediately covered her face with her hands, uncontrollably crying as she stormed out of the room.

"Kori, wait!" Richard called, hastily running after her.

He left the common room and rushed down the halls, running into her room. His face pained as he stared at her back, watching as it quivered with her sobs.

"Kori, I'm sorry."

"Why are you leaving us, Richard?" She asked him desperately as tears fell down her face. "Why are you leaving me?"

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