Chapter Five: Moving On

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Currently in the Jump City Mall, Kori stood in one of the many baby clothing stores. Her nesting instinct was kicking in as she put a hand on her swollen belly, feeling the tiny life inside move around.

She smiled, standing in front of the many clothing racks as she picked up a small onesie and held it up, imagining the tiny person that would fit it.

"How much longer?" Garfield asked in an annoyed whine.

"Garfield, I never had a reason to shop in this store until now. Do not take this away from me." She told him sternly, not even looking in his direction as she spoke.

He let out a long sigh. "You know, when you asked me to go to the mall with you, this is not what I had in mind." He huffed loudly. But before he could complain further, his attention was directed to someone outside the store.

Garfield suddenly straightened his posture as he glared at the man outside, who tried to remain undetected.

But his change in demeanor caught Kori's attention. She turned and looked at him, confused by his stance. But as she looked at what he was glaring at she understood why he was suddenly on edge.

"I'm gonna talk to him." He said sternly, but she quickly put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"Let me." She told him before handing him the onesie and walking out of the store.

Kori slowly approached the aloof man that faced away from her, trying to hide behind his black jacket and baseball hat.

She was surprised he allowed himself to be seen. Richard was very good at keeping hidden in the shadows. So him being so easily spotted really showed just how out of sorts he was.

"Hello, Richard." She addressed, crossing her arms.

"Kori." He returned sheepishly turning to her as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Kori stared at him, not used to his disheveled features. His hair was long, shaggy, and uncombed. His eyes looked strained and tired. And his face was unshaven and prickly.

Richard had always been so clean-cut and composed that she found herself barely recognizing him. Now seeing him so unkept, she found herself oddly feeling sorry for him.

"You look nice." He told her.

"Wish I could say the same about you." She responded, reaching a hand up, as she softly touched his prickly face. "Are you okay?" She asked in concern.

"I've been better." He shrugged, forcing a smile.

"How long have you been following me?" She asked.

"Not long." He lied, looking away from her as he awkwardly shoved his hands into his pockets. "So, um... how have you been?" He tried to say nonchalantly.

"Well, the morning sickness has finally stopped."

"That's good." He nodded. "Are you eating well? Are you taking the appropriate vitamins?"

She tried not to glare at him, knowing he was just looking out for her and the wellbeing of the baby.

"I assure you, Richard, that I am taking good care of myself." She told him sternly. "Raven is helping me make sure I eat the right foods and take the appropriate medications. I even have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

"That's great, Kori. That is really great." He said, smiling at her. "So, I was thinking..." He paused, hesitation clear in his tone. "Or I was wondering... if you weren't busy later... that I could take you out to dinner?"

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