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It had been a week since Kori had left, and the tower felt quiet, the team incomplete.

And things were only going to get worse.

Victor got an offer to join the Justice league.

He was clearly hesitant to accept the offer and leave what little was left of the Titans. But after some time contemplating, he figured Richard was right. Things change, they weren't kids anymore. Maybe it was time they all started a new transition.

Growing up was hard. They still were and always would be friends, is what they all said. But the Titans... were no more.


Garfield had his hands in his pockets as he walked down the quiet, empty halls of the once full Tower. The lingering silence haunted him as memories of the good old days flooded through his mind.

He slowly walked past the bedrooms that his friends once occupied.

No more of Richar tapping on a holo-screen. No more of Kori's upbeat pop music. No more of Victor's electric tools and tinkering. Now they were just empty rooms.

He slowly walked past Richard's room and scowled at his name on the door, because if there was anyone to blame for the Titans disbanding, it was him.

Garfield continued down the hall when he mindlessly walked past Raven's room. Her door was open, allowing him access as he slowly peaked inside, watching as she sat on the floor, putting her things in boxes.

"So, now you're leaving too?" He asked somewhat harshly, leaning himself on the door frame.

"The Titans are done, Gar. It's time to move on." She said without facing him, continuing to put more books in a box.

He rolled his eyes, huffing harshly at the reminder.

"You know you don't have to stay here all alone. You could cash in that big inheritance of yours, and go someplace nice." She suggested.

"Alone?" He scoffed.

His harsh attitude caused her to turn to him before sighing sadly. "I'm sorry, Garfield."

"So, when are you leaving?" He asked, his tone still bitter and harsh.

She glanced downward, hesitant to answer. "Tomorrow morning."

"Of course, you are." He said bitterly, before storming out of her room.

Raven let out a long sigh. His cold demeanor was causing guilt to wash over her. She wished there was something she could do to relieve his sorrows, but there wasn't.


It was late when Raven finished putting all her stuff in boxes, and stacked them neatly in her room. She hadn't heard a thing from Garfield since his harsh exit, and she was beginning to get worried.

She started roaming the tower, looking for him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

She had to admit that ever since the others left, the tower had been depressingly quiet, and it just added to her guilt for leaving him behind.

After spending a considerate amount of time roaming the hall, Raven did eventually find Garfield on the roof. She had opened the door and spotted him sitting near the edge, hugging his knees as he stared out at the starry night sky.

She let out a quiet sigh before leaving the door and walking towards him. He didn't even turn to her, or acknowledged that she was there as she sat down next to him.

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