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Richard stood atop of a high building in downtown Gotham. It was late as he glanced down at the city, admiring the landscape and comparing the differences between Gotham and Jump.

There was truly no place like Gotham.

He leaned over the roof, glancing down at the streets as he did his usual night patrol of the town. Everything seemed fine from what he could see, until he heard a sudden noise from behind him.

Always on the defense, he acted on instinct and quickly turned and jumped near the mystery sound, pouncing on the person. But out of all the things he could have landed on, he wasn't expecting to land on Starfire.


"Richard!" She beamed, her heart soaring upon seeing his masked face.

She originally wanted to be cold to him. She wanted to be distant and stern. But those feelings quickly faded away as she stared lovingly at him.

Richard quickly apologized for tackling her. He hurriedly got up, before giving her his hand. He helped her to her feet, staring at her, taking in her beautiful stature.

Her long hair blew with the breeze, her glowing eyes sparkled in the moonlight, and her soft lips smiled tenderly. He would be lying if he said he hadn't missed her as well.

"Kori, what are you doing here?" He asked, regaining his train of thought.

Kori's face suddenly shifted as she looked at him timidly. "I... I needed to see you."

She had prepared so many things to say to him, some nice, some not so nice. but now, seeing him right in front of her, all she wanted to do was run over and kiss him. However, she managed to restrain that urge for the moment.

"Kori..." He spoke hesitantly. "You can't be here."

Her heart immediately sank, and her expression clearly showed the pain his words had caused her. "Why not?" She asked painfully.

"Gotham isn't like Jump, Kori... It's more dangerous and..."

"I am fully capable of taking care of myself." She interrupted with a disapproving glare.

"I know you can, but..." He trailed off as she looked at him seriously.

"But?" She questioned.

He let out a long sigh. "You need to go back, Kori. Back to the Tower." He told her sternly.

She frowned at him. "Things change, Richard. Did you really think that after you left, things would just stay the same as if you were there? Because they haven't. You moved on, and so have we." She told him harshly.

He looked at her, confused. "So, if you're not here to bring me back, then why did you come here?" He asked.

She wanted to be calmer and more aloof, but she was just so full of emotion that she said one of the things that had been plaguing her day and night.

"I just wanted to see what was so great about Gotham that made you choose it over me." She spoke, holding back the tears that shined in her eyes.

He opened his mouth, but her words had made him speechless, as he stared at her fierce expression. He sighed again, contorting his face painfully as he resorted to repeating himself.

"Gotham needs me Kori..."

"And I don't?!" She asked him harshly.

He let out another heavy sigh as he slowly turned away from her. "I'm sorry, Kori."

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