Chapter 21: Oh Come On

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What could go wrong in a bath? You know, you're cleaning yourself, enjoying the water, freshening up. 

Except I'm not cleaning myself. A stupid big alien is, and I'm not on my own. Another stupid big alien on top of me is also getting a bath. 

I have resorted to whining at this point, and yet, my handler just keeps on scrubbing away, grumbling a tune I've never heard of before. 

Have I mentioned how stupid he is?

Snake boy rolls all over me during the whole process, not staying still for a second. My handler doesn't even blink, patiently maneuvering around the two of us. 

And yet, he somehow still gets every spot of the both of us clean. 

I am buckled in a huge sink-like tub. it is the size of a human bathtub, and yet, it feels like a sink because my handler is standing over like a human would when washing their small puppy in a sink. 

And buckled. I mean, come on. 


I sigh at Lyon's clear emotions about this whole ordeal. 

"Oh buddy. You'll get used to it. I promise." I mutter, turning off the spray and replacing the sponges for towels. 

I first handle the Jias, wrestling him off of Lyon, and placing him in Faerin's arms, who was already waiting with his own set of towels. 

I then unstrap my disgruntled human, gently drying him off with a soft, warm towel. 

No matter how moody humans can get, a heated towel always does the trick after a nice bath. Lyon melts in my hands within seconds, his eyes blinking tiredly. 

"You've had a long good day, sweet thing. Let's get you back to your kennel, hmm? Your owner's coming soon. He's going to have quite a surprise to find a Jias all over you." I chuckle as Faerin and I walk down several halls. 

I hide my smile from Faerin, who is frantically trying to keep ahold of a certain Reilzi in his arms. 

"Sheesh. They get so attached so quickly." He mutters as we enter Lyon's room. I nod, shrugging. "That's their nature. Especially for orphaned pups like Reilzi." 

I walk in the kennel and place Lyon inside the nest gently. He's barely awake. 

"Alright. He's not going to like this, is he?" Faerin sheepishly asks, and I shake my head. "If the Jias goes home with him though, he'll have to learn to accept it." I reply and Faerin nods before placing the Jias in the nest as well. 

Reilzi immediately attaches on to Lyon, and I wince at his angry chirps, trying to push the larger boy off of him, to no avail. 

Interference (A Human Pet Tale)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ