🌞 Results : Best Ending Chapter 🌞

75 9 15

First of all, a very big thanks from the bottom of our hearts to those who participated and judged in this mini award contest!

Make sure to respect the review of your judge. Bad behavior towards your Judges will not be tolerated.

So without any further ado here are the results!



1-Margo Fawn and the contagious missing delirium 1 by Sasha_Samuel

~ How beautifully the writer has tied up the loose ends: 4/5
~ How beautifully the writer has brought the happy or tragic ending: 4/5
~ Grammar: 5/5

Total: 13/15


It was written well with details. The grammar was great. The emotions were beautifully defined but need just a bit of brushing up. It also needs a little improvement in the details although the ending left me hanging. The suspense is really great and the chapter is so enjoyable. Keep it up!!


2-Undisclosed secrets by ViniShah2

~ How beautifully the writer has tied up the loose ends: 5/5
~ How beautifully the writer has brought the happy or tragic ending: 5/5
~ Grammar: 5/5

Total: 15/15


The Chapter is well written and the story nicely came to an end. The plot is really mysterious and it keeps suspense in the readers. I must say it’s not perfect yet but just a step away from being perfect. Great job Author!!


3-Attachment by MattKalo

~ How beautifully the writer has tied up the loose ends: 4/5
~ How beautifully the writer has brought the happy or tragic ending: 5/5
~ Grammar: 5/5

Total: 14/15


Finally a unique plot!! It was well written with details and the feelings of the narrator were well defined. It could be explained more about the situation to connect the readers but overall it’s good. Keep writing!!


4-Kidnapped by Mafia by hooWoman

~ How beautifully the writer has tied up the loose ends: 4/5
~ How beautifully the writer has brought the happy or tragic ending: 3/5
~ Grammar: 2/5

Total: 9/15


It needs a lot of fixing with grammar and errors. Although the chapter didn’t come to an end and for that I think the book is still ongoing. Anyway, the plot is very creative and I really loved the mystery and suspense of the story. I suggest you hire an editor for your grammar and phrases. Also, fix your errors. You need a little improvement and then your work will be perfect with that amazing plot. Keep writing!!


5-Baby Harry's day in by marina_swampert

~ How beautifully the writer has tied up the loose ends: 4/5
~ How beautifully the writer has brought the happy or tragic ending: 4/5
~ Grammar: 4/5

Total: 12/15


I loved the creativity and the unique plot. There were some phrase errors otherwise the writing is amazing. You beautifully ended the story that is really great. The writing needs a little improvement. You should explain the events occurring in your story in more detail to connect the readers. If you will overcome the points I mentioned then your book will be perfect. Great work! Keep writing!


6-The worlds apart joined with one heart by YOUNGFOREVER_07

~ How beautifully the writer has tied up the loose ends: 4/5
~ How beautifully the writer has brought the happy or tragic ending: 2/5
~ Grammar: 5/5

Total: 11/15


The grammar was good. There should be more details about the feelings of the main characters to hook the readers and emotionally attach them to the characters. The plot was creative and amazing. I hope you incorporate the changes I mentioned and keep writing!!


                      ✨Winners ✨

Best emotional chapter winner

Undisclosing Secrets by ViniShah2

Second position :

Attachment by MattKalo

Honorable Mention:

Margo Fawn and the Contagious missing delirium 1 by Sasha_Samuel

Congratulations to the winners of the best ending chapter and congratulations to all the participants as well!!

                        Thank you

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