🌞 Results : Best First Paragraph 🌞

58 7 7

First of all, a very big thanks from the bottom of our hearts to those who participated and judged in this mini award contest!

Make sure to respect the review of your judge. Bad behavior towards your Judges will not be tolerated.

So without any further ado here are the results!



1) The Phoenix: Rise of the Demonic Cultivator by hermiosa_reina

~ Score : (13.5/15)


I loved how you tried to make the paragraph intriguing. But, you used so many words to describe a particular emotion. Else, | guess the paragraph has the potential to get better.


2) Fear of those by nf_Lust

~ Score: (15/15)


It was perfect. It was written so accurately, about the grief and despise... It totally made me fall in love with the first chapter.


3) Persephone Villania Emmity and the Mysterious by SGBlack07

~ Score: (13/15)


The opening was very common in terms of writing style. But again, it still has a nice meaning to attract the readers.


4) Margo Fawn & the Contagious Missing Delirium 1 by Sasha_Samuel

~ Score: (14.5/15)


Really interesting. The conversation you added in the first paragraph itself made me stick with the whole chapter. But again, I have other books to judge too.

Judge's Note: | loved all the books, but again | had to compare your books. So don't think low of your capability!



5- Zephyr and the witches of the North by TaliaRivers

~ Score: 15/15


The first chapter starts with a marvelous description of the situation after -probably-and war or an attack. Many emotions even with the first sentence. For fantasy fans, it causes lot of curiosity. Well written, good vocabulary. You got me in the mood directly, making me confused, in a good way, and interested.


6- It's started from hatred by dwarkaratna

~ Score: 13/15


So, your first paragraph is nothing more than the start of a dialogue. It's not a problem considering the fact it's a thing that puts the reader in the mood of the book directly. It's good but there's something about it that makes me doubt. If I had to decide on that paragraph only if I would read it... I don't think I will be able to decide.


7- Title: Kidnapped by mafia by hooWoman
~ Score: 12/15


Classic starting of a book. An intro in the protagonist's life. It does not make me really interested, to be honest. I have some doubts. It's better to start with the action and present and then, by chances, describe the back story. I don't like it when it starts with the back story. I know starting the book is one of the hard parts.

It's good but for me, it's not interesting enough


✨Winners ✨

Best first paragraph winner :

Fear of those by nf_Lust


Zephyr and the witches of the North by TaliaRivers

Second position :

Margo Fawn & the Contagious Missing Delirium 1 by Sasha_Samuel

Third position:

The Phoenix: Rise of the Demonic Cultivator by hermiosa_reina

Honorable Mention:

Persephone Villania Emmity and the Mysterious by SGBlack07


It's started from hatred by

Congratulations to the winners of the best fist paragraph and congratulations to all the participants as well!!

Thank you

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