🌞 Results : Best Cover 🌞

89 12 13

First of all, a very big thanks from the bottom of our hearts to those who participated and judged in this mini award contest!

Make sure to respect the review of your judge. Bad behavior towards your Judges will not be tolerated.

So without any further ado here are the results!




1. A few seconds by  viciousvint

~ Attractiveness : 4/5
~ Does it match the title : 3.5/ 5
~ Does it match with the plot of the story : 3.5/5

~ Total - 11/ 15


The cover is quite simple and attractive. The writer has filled the cover with lots of words which at first doesn't look attractive but when you read them out they are quite a good sentence which they have placed on the cover. The plot and the title doesn't match the cover unfortunately but it's a good work .


2. Let go by  strawberry1d

~ Attractiveness : 3 /5
~ Does it match the title : 3/ 5
~ Does it match with the plot of the story : 3/5

~ Total : 9/15


The cover is ok but doesn't give much idea about the book, I actually don't know who the person is but I assume he is from bts as I read it from the title . I'm extremely sorry but I don't have any idea about them. This cover according to me can be more attractive . The font of the title is hidden behind and the authors name isn't visible much. You can improve. Good work.


3. Fear of those by  nf_Lust

~ Attractiveness : 4.5/5
~ Does it match the title : 4 / 5
~ Does it match with the plot of the story : 3.5/5

~ Total - 12 /15

The cover is attractive, I love the dark shades and the font used but I don't see much relation between the title and the plot. The image can be fixed may be or else it's a good work.


4. Salus the space guard by  JoshBerliner

~ Attractiveness : 4.5/5
~ Does it match the title : 4/ 5
~ Does it match with the plot of the story : 4 /5

~ Total : 12.5/15


The cover is attractive but the image on the background could be more specific, it's already good but a bit better imagine specifying the title would have made your cover the best. Good work


5 . Persephone villania emmity by SGBlack07

~ Attractiveness : 3 /5
~ Does it match the title : 4 / 5
~ Does it match with the plot of the story : 3.5/5

Total - 10.5 /15

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