Chapter 3

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"Oh em gee!! Lil guess who is in the Illawarra right now!!" Mitch came running into my house. Ok so he is fangirling about someone.

"Who are you fangirling about Mitch." Gav laughed in the background. It is so obvious when Mitch fan girls about someone and it's so funny.

"God damn yous. Yous know me way too well. Anyways. Reece Mastin is in the Illawarra. More like across the road somewhere. We need to find him." I just looked at him not knowing what to say.

"Wait what??? Are you serious?? Why didn't he message me before saying he was in town. I was talking to him earlier on." I'm still in love with Reece Mastin well I think that's because we are so close. He is an amazing friend to me. I would say he is a brother to me but I still fangirl over him sometimes and want to marry him so he is more like a very close friend that I can talk to easily.

"Wait you have been messaging him??" Gav was surprised. I thought I have told them.

"Yeah. We have been meeting up and talking for ages. Nearly over a year now that's how we got to go backstage last year for nothing."

"OH EM GEE why didn't you tell us and is he the guy you were talking about today?"

"I thought I told you. I swear both Reece and I told you that night and yes and no. I love reece he is amazing and he doesn't have a girlfriend but I feel like now getting to know him more it would be weird to date him. Don't ask me why. I'll message him and tell him to come over."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my phone off the bank.

Me: hey Reece. So I heard your in town. Come over. Haven't seen you in ages and it would be good to see you. xo

Miss Fancy Pants: heeey beautiful xox. Yeah I'm in town. Around the corner from your actually. I'll come up and see you. :)

Me: cool :) I have someone fangirling badly over you atm. Haha. :)

Miss Fancy Pants: I'm guessing Mitch. Haha. I'll talk to ya when I get up there. See you soon xo.

"He will be here soon. He is around the corner."

"Oh em eff gee!!...." Mitch is in love with Reece. Like Reece is everything to Mitch.

"Babe calm down." Aww they are so cute.

"Oh em gee I forgot to tell you who I met last night. Guess who. You will never believe it.

"Who. Just tell us." Mitch couldn't wait to know.

"I met Ed Sheeran."

"No way." Gav didn't believe me.

"Yes way. Look at this." I logged into my phone and brought up a photo of Ed and myself.

"Holy shit Lily your so lucky." Both gav and Mitch snatched the phone out of my hand. Then there was a knock at the door. Mitch just stood there. Not knowing what to do it say.

"Calm, cool, relax. You'll be fine." I looked at Mitch while waking to the door.

"Lil Heey. Long time no see." Reece gave me a massive hug. And it felt good to be in his arms once again. I have missed him so much.

"Reece I have missed you. And you bursted why didn't you tell me you were in town?" I ended up slapping Reece

"Ouch what was that for." He rubbed his arm and started the puppy eyes. He looks so cute when he does that. "I was going to come and surprise you. But then I got a message off you, and where is this keen guy that wants to see me?" Reece spoke a little louder at the end.

"Oh em eff gee. Hi Reece." Mitch came out.

"Hey Mitch. Hey Gav. How are you guys going?" Mitch couldn't get another word out.

"Yeah we are pretty good. And sorry about this one here full on fangirling at the moment."

"Nah all good buddy."

The rest of the afternoon and night was really good. Mitch loosened up a lot. Which was good to see and I had a good time spending the evening with my two besties and the one and only Reece Mastin

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