Chapter 6

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Today is the day we fligh down to Melbourne for Ed Sheeran's concert. I'm jumping around like a crazy woman because I'm so exited. I get to spend the night with my besties.

"Heey Lil. Are you excited for today and tomorrow?" Gave walked in with 3 suitcases. We are only going for 4 nights. Not 4 weeks.

"Hell yeah I am. Shopping when we get there then tomorrow it Ed. Oh em gee I'm so excited!!! And my I ask why you have three suitcases?" I gave Gav the weirdest look.

"Don't ask me. Ask Mitch. He is the one that has packed his whole closet. I wouldn't care if I wore this outfit for four days. But Mitch has to have a new outfit for everyday and every event during that day. It annoy me so much but I love him for it too." Aw so cute. You might have noticed Gav is very laid back and is your topical boy other then not being straight and Mitch on the other hand is the girliest guy you will ever meet but he is also the nicest guy you will ever meet.

"Hey Lil." Mitch walked into the lounge room while fixing up his hair.

"Hey Mitch. Now did you really have to pack that much stuff for four nights??" I stated while packing my toiletries into my bag.

"Well one bag is empty, so that's for all my shopping I do." I just had to laugh. Typical Mitch.

Buzz buzz. My phone vibrated on the coffee table. Aww I have a message from dimples.

Dimples: hey bub. I don't think I'm going to be able to see you tomorrow night now. I don't think I'm going to get out of work in time. I'll be leaving work when the show finishes. I'm sorry bub.

Aww I now don't get to see my bubbles. That makes me really sad.

Me: aww :( I really wanted to see you. I'm missing you so much and I really wanted to tell you something tomorrow tonight :( when can I see you then?

Dimples: I'm sorry bub. What did you want to tell me? And I'm missing you soooo much too bub.

Me: it can wait till I see you in person again. I would prefer to tell you in person.

"Hey lil you ready to hear off to the airport?" My nan called out from the kitchen. Nan and I are the only ones talking to each other. I'm not talking to my parents and nan isn't either. Don't know why she isn't.

"Yeah I am. Are you boys ready?"

"We sure are." Mitch and Gav said that the same time.

"Well let go then." Nan came into the lounge room.


Me: hey bubbles my plane is being called now. I'll talk to you later. <3

Dimples: ok bub. Message me when your in Melbourne and when your at your hotel so I know your safe and sound xx

Aww he is so cute. And that was it with our convosation. The boys and I boarded the plane and ready for Melbourne.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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