Chapter 5

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Monday wasn't an easy day at school. Mostly everyone heard about the tweet and everyone's talking about it.

I'm getting death stares from everyone I walk past. People trying to 'whisper' and 'bitch' behind my back.

If you haven't guessed already my school is crazy about Reece Mastin. He is a massive part of our school too. Always performing at school concerts.

"She is discussing. Why would he go for her." A year sevener commented to a friend.

"I'm *ucking right in front of you bitch. Keep your your big fat blabber mouth shut before I shut it for you and your will *ucking regret it bitch if you don't shut that mouse trap of yours." I'm a lovely person when I'm angry.

I turned around to walk away an there was Mr. Kingston was standing behind me. Just great he was standing behind me when I said all of that.

"Miss Manson, my office please." Just great. Principles office here I come. Just *ucking great. All I need.


Sitting at the dinner table in front of mum and dad not a work has been said since leaving the school. I'm suspended for the rest of this week for threatening and swearing at juniors. Why is my school so strict.

"Your not allowed to go to Melbourne latter this week your grounded." Dad decides to pipe up now.

"I'm going to Melbourne."

"Do not back answer me Lily Grace Manson. You're not going on Thursday."

"Dad you did not put one single cent into this trip. I have paid for the whole thing so I'm going and I don't care what you say." I got up and walked to my room, slamming my door behind me.

Taking my laptop out of my bag I jump onto twitter and Facebook. Tweets and statuses everywhere about me and Reece and no good ones either.

Then I received an inbox off Gav.

Gav: hey Lil. Wot happened 2day? Mitch n I never seen u but we heard that u got suspended be4 school even started?

Me: hey Gav. Yeah that's true. I'm suspended for the rest of this week due to be basically threatenin and swearin at a yr 7 chick.

Gav: Lily...really? Y did u do that?

Me: After everythin that happened Saturday... every1 has heard about it and she was talkin shit about me in front of me. I went off at her.

Gav: oh ok... Well does this mean no Ed for u??

Me: I'm goin to Ed. I don't care wot me parents say. I'm goin. I paid 4 it all so I'm goin. Hey mate I'm off now. I'll talk to you latter. Night mate.

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