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There once was a little kid named Ao living in a small town called Roquin within the Jordas Kingdom. He lived with his two parents and one brother.

One day, the prince declared a tax increase for Roquin Village due to late payments. The new tax was a staggering 90 copper, with a deadline of only two days. If the villagers failed to pay, their homes would be taken over and turned into army barracks.

Ao's parents were shocked. Their meager income of only 3 copper per month barely covered their needs. They had saved around 50 copper, but it wasn't enough. Despite their worry, they tried to act normal, not wanting their children to suffer.

However, Ao understood the situation. He bravely set out to help his family. He ran through the town, visiting every shop and stall, hoping someone would accept him for work to earn some money. Sadly, no one was willing to hire a child.

Determined, Ao decided to venture outside the kingdom, towards the Tower of Parvos. This was a place frequented by adventurers who hunted monsters and sold the materials they collected.

The next day, Ao prepared himself for the journey. He grabbed a kitchen knife as his weapon and a pan as his makeshift shield. Sneaking away from his sleeping parents, he began his long run towards the tower. It took him a grueling 25 minutes to get there.

Upon arrival, fear threatened to overwhelm him. He hesitated, but the thought of his family spurred him on. He gathered his courage and entered the tower.

His first encounter was with a slime. Lacking any combat training, Ao swung his knife wildly, missing the creature completely. The slime retaliated, oozing poison onto his face. Panicking, Ao slapped his face and shook his head frantically, trying to dislodge the slime. Finally, it fell to the floor, and Ao stomped on it, the burning sensation lingering on his face.

As he continued his journey, he stumbled upon a group of killer rabbits. Their speed and ferocity terrified him. He froze, trying to hold his breath to mask his location. He started backing away towards the slime's location, unaware of a four-winged bird with a sharp beak, a Bordok, circling him above.

The Bordok swooped down, slashing Ao's shoulder. He screamed in pain, clutching his wound. His scream attracted the killer rabbits, who charged and kicked him in the chin.

Despite the overwhelming pain, Ao remembered his purpose. He raised his pan, deflecting the rabbit's next kick. With newfound momentum, he slashed the rabbit's foot with his knife, rendering it immobile. With a heavy heart and closed eyes, he finished the job, his first kill a bittersweet victory.

Ao returned to his village, the rabbit materials secured. At the adventurer's hall, he sold them for 10 copper. Rushing home, he faced the wrath of his parents for sneaking out and putting himself in danger. However, love quickly overtook anger. They hugged him tightly, cleaning and tending to his wounds.

But their joy was short-lived. They still lacked sufficient funds to pay the tax.

On the day of collection, the prince and his servants arrived. They collected the villagers' money, but it fell short. The prince, enraged, ordered the displacement of the village. The villagers refused, sparking a rebellion. Unfortunately, they were vastly outnumbered. The army ruthlessly massacred every villager, sparing neither children nor parents.

Ao witnessed his family's murder before his very eyes. He screamed, tears streaming down his face. "Mom! Dad!" he cried, desperate for a response. His brother, the only family left, managed to pull him away. They fled the kingdom, escaping through the gates. As they left, Ao turned back and yelled, "Prince Jordas, I swear I'll have my revenge! Remember this day!"

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