Chapter 1 - Farewell

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3 weeks traveling through the mountains, hills and lot more obstacles. Ao and his brother finally arrived at Pariah's Perch where are all the deviants gather. there they meet with a lot of on bounty person such as criminals. This town are known as a place for the one who escaped from the castle area, Ao still don't know what the danger existing in this town and yet he still stepped his foot on that town. 

once they arrived in this town they got intercepted by some bandits, one of the bandits yelled at them and said "Hey you two, where do you think you are going!". Two of them are scared because of that bandits and then Ao then he spoke haltingly "we- we are lost, we just need some place to stay sir". hearing what Ao said the bandit said to him "do you have any weapon on you?", then Ao replies "n- no sir we are unarmed". 

obviously Ao is armed he is prepared for any condition that could happen he is smart he hides his knife inside his clothes, the bandits unaware because of the appearance of a 9 year old kid with his little brother. they (the bandits) then welcome them to the town and invite them to one of the bandits named Masa, he provides a place to sleep and food for two of them. at night where everyone is sleeping Masa tried to kidnapped them, he covered their face with a napkin that is already been greased with sleeping potion and put them to sleep. 

when they're wake up everything is dark and so noisy, and suddenly the rug that is covering Ao and his brother face lifted by someone turns out they're being sold at auction as a slave worker then they are putted into unconscious with a spell. they got fooled by Masa kindness they thought Masa was a good person because he shared his house, turns out he has another meaning by inviting them to his home. 

auctions started, everyone in silence and the host comes to greet the auction guest then start the auction. The host showing the auction items one by one it looks some kind of swords and combat or protection stuff, after several items sold Ao and his brother got pushed to the stage wearing a slave worker necklace and handcuff. the host selling them as a slave worker start from 20 Gold each, one of the guest bid Ao for 30 Gold, and there is another person who is bidding him higher for 50 Gold. 

The bidding process took a while and Ao was sold for 150 Gold, meanwhile his brother was sold for 35 gold by another person. After regaining his consciousness Ao suddenly realized that he already separated from his brother, but he already inside of the carriage then he ask to the person in the carriage "May i know who you are and where are we going to?". the person in carriage said "I'm your buyer and you are sold as a slave also we are going to my manor.

Ao ask again to the buyer "you're my buyer? but where is my brother he is way younger than me, he don't know anything, is he safe?" (Ao trying to control his emotion). then the buyer replies "i don't know about your brother but i think they sold your brother separately", Ao sobs and tried to accept the situation. 

Arriving at the Countess Manor He release Ao and said "come don't worry know, i hope you soon find your brother", then Ao replies "thank you miss, also may ask who is your name miss?" Countess replies "My name is Eirene Corvus". Ao stumbled when Eirene said her last name "Co- Corvus? you are a noble!?, my apologies my lord" Ao bows to Eirene, She giggles upon Ao's reaction. "raise your head, now who's your name?" Eirene said, then Ao replies "my name is Ao my lord and thank you for buying me from that auction". "No worries, we are lacking of workers afterall". 

While they're inside the manor Eirene ask one of her servant to give Ao a tour of her Manor and then she goes to her room. Rosé one of her servant taking Ao for a quick tour of the Manor, after a while the last room is Eirene room. Rosé knock the door and speak "my lord i have finished what my lord ask to do". 

Eirene comes out and told Rosé to leave leaving Ao alone there, after that Ao ask "what should i do for you now my lord?". "For now on i will appoint you as my personal assistant" Eirene said, "Eh suddenly? we barely even met before how can you trust me that much?".

Eirene giggles and said "do you see my eyes?", "yes?" he replied, "this eyes can seek people personality and some other information when it glowing gold" Eirene said. Ao notice the shine from her eyes and accidentally said "pretty..." while his eyes mesmerized by her eyes, Eirene blushed and let Ao goes out from her room and said "for now you can go to your room and get some rest, tomorrow i will ask my butler to assign you". Ao bows and go to his room, there Ao rest his eyes while talking in his head "a lot happens in just one day, i hope my brother will be alright without me".

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