Chapter 5 ☆The Garden ☆

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Happy New Year and the best wishes you all!


Bakugou's pov

God, such a tiring day I had today I hadn't expected so much paperwork. Achieving the pro hero number one achievement I was happy but I'm not going to keep it up and neither is Todoroki. We are taking a break in which Izuku would raise to become the first pro or maybe they wouldn't give two damns about it and leave it the way it is. Izuku has been keeping it low since villains found out about him having All Might's quirk of course it has all settled down for now but he'd be better off laying low for now.

As I finally arrived home, I threw my bag on the ground and put my laptop on the table. God, is there still something I'm forgetting? An alarm went off at my phone when I picked it up, I found a note. Oh, so that's it. Finding my soulmates has yet to be done, why did I even keep a note for that? Maybe because I promised Recovery Girl and Aizawa that I'll tell them who my soulmate is, they did remind me about it last month and 'Zawa said he'd mess up my position as nr 1 hero if I didn't tell him first. "Tomorow, I'll find out who my soulmate is and if they have given up on me or not." I say as I tiredly lay on my bed, falling asleep.

When I woke up it was 5 am, I still haven't been able to get rid of this routine. I brushed my teeth and got ready for my morning run. Not knowing where my feet were taking me, I ran further and further until I couldn't anymore. I had arrived at an old garden which was now overgrown with weed and other plants I don't know.

Carefully I opened the gate, it was all rusted and might fall off, that led to the garden. I remember that the caretaker of the garden used to take good care of it because it used to be so bright now it's just dead. The few Sakura trees that had been in the garden were dead, as if no one has taken care of them in years. I could make them look like ghosts if I threw a white sheet over them, that's how low their branches were hanging.

Tiredly I sat down on one of the benches that might not break if I'd sit on it, thank whatever, it didn't break. I leaned on it as I closed my eyes thinking back to the old days. I'd run off and end up here in this garden to meet these amazing kids that had become my friends when no one else wanted to. It were three boys and a girl, they were here every time and almost anytime but there was one thing that was wrong.

By each day their scars increased until one by one they all stopped showing up. Only years later I found out that two were reported missing, one was declared dead and I still don't know what happened to the blond with wings. Now their names were wiped out of the people's memory except mine. It was all calm and quiet when I heard some chattering noises.

"It's over here." "Are you kidding me, look at it." "I'm going in." "Okay wait I'm coming!" I heard. Hmm from the number of times I heard the voices it were just two males and they were actually looking for this place. I sighted as I finally relaxed, not even a second later I tensed up.

"Look this is it." "Yeah, we used to come here." "It's so overgrown now." "Shut up and walk." I heard. Yet another duo, which makes four people. "Dabi?" "Toga, Shig?" "That's a fucking pro hero Dabi!" I heard the voices yell again, now I could finally label their voices. I just wanted some peace and quiet, couldn't they choose another day to do this? And a pro hero and villains? I wonder how this is going to end.

"What are you doing here?" Dabi questioned, I could never forget his voice since he kidnapped and saved me. "We came to check out our old hiding place." a female voice said, yeah that's Toga. "You guys used to come here too?" Hawks asked in surprise, I should be drowned in an ocean if I didn't recognize his annoying voice, we had been patrolling together for six months now. "We did when we were younger." Shigaraki answered as he was the last one to say something.

Hell, I don't want to do any pro hero work on my fucking break. They're still talking about something but I'll just block their voices out. Thinking back, there were never other people here except us. Could they be them? If they are then that's good but if this fails, I'm blasting myself outta here.

"Tenko, Touya, Keigo, Yumi Shut up!" I yell making sure I'm able to blast myself away if they aren't them. The talking immediately stopped, bushes were moving. "Tsuki?" Toga asked but it was barely a whisper. "There's no one else here." Shigaraki stated. "But we all heard that right, you can't deny it." Toga says as she walks to the bench where I had been sitting on. "Yeah, we can't deny it but still." Dabi says as he uses his flames to light up the area, forgetting the part where I was standing. "See, there's no one here." Hawks mutters. Stepping out of the shadow, Dabi's flames lighted up my face.

"What am I? A ghost?" I question as the look at me in surprise or utter shock. "It's a surprise to see you out here, Katsuki Bakugou." Shigaraki says. Ignoring him I turn to Hawks. "So? What are you doing here, Hawks?" I ask. "I'm not the trai-" hawks starts. "I bet you're not. So, did I remember your names right or was I just calling out the names of ghosts?" I ask as I sit back down on the bench. "Katsuki, Tsuki." Dabi mutters. "It was you, the little blond back then." Hawks says as he grinned. "You're Tsuki?" Shigaraki and Toga say in unison. I nod as Toga run to me, I stood up as I catched her in my arms. "Sup Yumi?" I say as Shigaraki grins like the other two males.

"Thanks for taking care of us back then." Hawks says as he hands me a number. "Hah? What's this?" I question. "All our numbers, just in case you want to meet up again?" Dabi answers. "Sure." I answer accepting the numbers. "We gotta go, there's some villain stuff to do." Toga says pinching my face and leaving with the other four. 

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