10 years later -Jeongyeon

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It had been 10 years since Nayeon jumped. Twice disbanded 6 years ago and life has been very different since. We're all married and have our own lives. We still talk and hang out all the time but it's different. We can walk the streets freely without being mobbed and have much more freedom than ever before.

That day 10 years ago- July 8th 2018 was an eventful day and one that changed me, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and most of all Nayeon forever.

Nayeon had gone on an evening walk and said she would be around 45 minutes. It had been an hour and she wasn't back so I texted her. When she left, her phone was on loud so when it had been 5 minutes with no reply, I rang her. I rang her again and again and she didn't reply. I began to get worried so I went to were she told me she was going.

I was panicking- what if something bad had happened to her. What if she'd gotten hurt or been kidnapped. I was hurriedly walking along the river side when I saw her phone on the floor underneath a bunch of flowers. They were blue chrysanthemums. My favourite colour and my favourite flower. I went over to look what they were doing there. I saw a note on top of the flowers and read it.

As soon as I read the note, I was in tears on the floor. People walked past and stared. Some people came over and spoke to me about what happened. A young man, probably around my age, sat with me for a while comforting me until he had to go somewhere. I eventually found it in myself to call her mum. My heart broke when I told her what happened. She was in tears and absolutely distraught. I then had to call the girls.

After I had called everyone, I called the police to see if they could do anything. They came to look for her body so they could bury her and they found her relatively quickly. The whole of twice and her family were there and we all were bawling our eyes out.

It's been exactly 10 years today. I got married on this day exactly 4 years ago. I sat on the sofa with my daughter Ji-Woo on my lap and my son Jung-Hoon playing with his cars on the floor. It was 6:49. The exact time Nayeon left to go on her walk. I looked over at my wedding photo sitting on the bookshelf next to me and smiled. I then looked over to Nayeon sitting next to me and smiled even wider.
'I know it feels weird today and it does every year, especially for me but it's always sunny on this day and always a very similar temperature to that day.' Nayeon said to me. She was a very sentimental person and I knew she always felt upset on this day so I make sure to give her extra love.

I have her Jiwoo and ran to get her present. It was a photobook full of photos from the first one we took together, to recent photos of us and the kids. I also wrote her a note at the end. She absolutely loved it.

I was glad they brought Nayeon back to life. I'm glad that we still were in love and I'm glad we were eventually allowed to marry. I'm so grateful we could live the rest of our lives together. I'm so so grateful this is how our lives turned out. I couldn't ask for anything more

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