Staying Motivated

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1. Make a schedule and set aside time to help you stick with it! Dedicate some amount of time each week to writing your story, or even just practicing your writing skills by working on other side projects.

2. Write down ideas while you have them! That way, not only will you not forget about them, you'll be excited to officially write them when you do have the time!

3. If you're new to writing, your book is bound to improve over time → try not to get caught up with editing chapters you've already finished when they're suddenly not up to your current standards, keep going! You'll keep improving as you go, and by the time you are finished, you can go back and make it better!

4. I've always been told that the first 2,000 pages I write will be shit. This sentiment is way more motivating to me than it should be. It prevents me from putting too much pressure on everything I write. Knowing that every sentence isn't going to be perfect lets me enjoy the plot and the characters I'm writing about, rather than obsessing over perfection

<3 good luck all 

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